Jan '24

December 2023: Rejoicing in God’s Great Christmas Harvest
Posted on Jan 12, 2024 in Blog Posts, Cambodia Christmas Blessing Project, News, Newsletter, Peru Christmas Blessing Project, Uncategorized |
Jan '24

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours! Christmas is an extraordinarily busy and blessed season at MM. All year we anticipate God’s work through the Christmas Blessing Project (CBP), and now we get to witness His Christmas hope in action!
Our Christmas Goal: Surpassed!

First, a huge praise report—we surpassed our CBP goal of $15,000! As of today, we’ve distributed $17,160 to touch thousands of lives in eight countries! As I write this, seventeen CBP celebrations have already occurred in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Peru, Thailand, and Uganda, with many more to come.

Our Peruvian celebrations mostly reach children who attend weekly discipleship programs in our partner churches year-round. These are times of grand celebration, featuring worship, Bible stories, hot chocolate, panetón (a coveted Peruvian dessert), and Christmas gifts given in Jesus’s name by your generosity. We were thrilled to attend two of these celebrations while in Peru—what a joy to see those smiling faces!

In Laos and Myanmar, we focused on sponsoring Christmas outreaches to villages yet unreached with the Christmas story of salvation. Your donations have sponsored many evangelism dinners where whole villages will gather for music, fresh meals, Christmas gifts [for children ten and under], and a life-changing gospel message. We’ll share the reports as countless souls hear and receive Jesus’s good news! Already, over three hundred Cambodians have surrendered to Jesus at celebrations with Mercy Village. Praise God—this is the reason for the season!

This Christmas season, please join us in praying for the many CBP celebrations to come. We’ll share more reports in our January newsletter! If you’d like to stay updated, visit our Facebook where we’re constantly posting fresh CBP videos and photos.
Thanking God for His Work in 2023

In closing, we thank all who have prayed for and supported this ministry in 2023. As this year ends, we celebrate what God allowed us to accomplish together. By God’s grace and your help, Message Ministries doubled in size and scope in 2023 without raising our operating expenses. We celebrate sending more to the world’s harvest fields than in any year since our inception. We give all glory to God for the great things He has done. Together, we’re sharing God’s hope with a world in desperate need!
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