Apr '23

UPDATE: Four Youth Baptized in Unreached Thailand
Apr '23

We’ve received a wonderful update from northern Thailand. Our partners, Isara and Joy, recently baptized four young men who’ve decided to follow Jesus!
The Great Commission sometimes feels like an uphill battle for native Thai missionaries like Isara and Joy. Despite an increasing missionary presence, only 1% of Thailand’s 71 million inhabitants profess faith in Christ. Meanwhile, 88% profess Buddhism—and many in this population bloc have firmly shut their hearts to the message of Jesus. Knowing this struggle, we praise God when we see His saving power at work among Thai youth. These four young men could profoundly impact the future of Southeast Asia!

Left to Right: Brian Weller, Joy, Pastor Isara
Please take a few moments to pray for:
- these newly baptized believers,
- the families and friends they’ll evangelize,
- and of course, Pastor Isara, Joy, and their family as they continue reaching their community through outreaches and church gatherings.
Thank you!
Pastor Isara’s ministry to northern Thailand is sponsored every month by a generous MM supporter! Would you like to sponsor missionaries like Isara for as little as $100 a month? Click here to see our missionary sponsorship opportunities!