Feb '21

2020 in Review; 2021 in Preview
Posted on Feb 22, 2021 in Blog Posts, Brian Mark Weller, News, Newsletter |
Feb '21

We believe 2021 is a God-appointed season to shine God’s light in extraordinary ways. With this in mind, we’ve adopted a new motto: “God’s kingdom come and will be done in 2021!” Please pray that this year will bear tremendous fruit.
We’re determined to put our hands to the plow of God’s service and fulfill our part of God’s Great Commission. We commit to keep sending the gospel to Earth’s darkest corners, including Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Myanmar/Burma, and Thailand. We’ll also continue our ministry in Peru and wherever else the Lord leads.
By God’s grace and your partnership, we sent $117,000 into the unreached countries of the 10/40 Window in 2020. We also sent $22,500 to Peru, where our mission began many years ago. Praise God!

Cambodians celebrate Christmas at a Christmas Blessing Project outreach at Mercy Village in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
This year, with God’s help, your support, and the hard work of our native partners:
- Tens of thousands heard the gospel in person for the very first time, and hundreds of thousands heard through online outreach.
- Thousands received share God’s hope food packs through our ministry partners in Cambodia, Laos, India, Myanmar, Thailand & Peru.
- Thousands received Christmas blessings through our native partners.
- And hundreds came to know the Lord Jesus Christ through gospel outreach. When we include online outreach, thousands may have turned to the Lord!

(2020) An MM Partner giving a Share God’s Hope food pack in India
We praise God that He saved so many in one of the darkest hours of recent history. I can’t help but recall the prophet Isaiah’s declaration: “Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you” (Isaiah 60:1). Jesus said, “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14), and we must stand in the gap and shine God’s light. This year we shined His light together, and we give all glory to God!
It’s His light we shine, and apart from His grace, love, and power, we could never accomplish anything eternally fruitful. Thank you for standing with us and our foreign ministry partners
Other 2020 Highlights

In 2020, Jim Randall produced a children’s curriculum and distributed it for use all around the 10/40 Window. God’s already using it to save and disciple multitudes of unreached children! The lessons are available in Burmese, Chinese, Khmer, Lisu, Thai, and Vietnamese. Jim’s children’s ministry is called Kids of Destiny. We’re blessed to take part in this vital ministry as Jim’s mission support agency.
In 2020, JJ Weller wrote the book, The Cure for Death for Message Ministries, and his wife Cynthia translated it into Spanish. Since its release in April, hundreds of thousands have read, listened, watched, and downloaded the book online. The book especially drew interest in India, Africa, and throughout Latin America. You can check it out at curefordeath.net. We also completed Quiet Times EP to encourage believers to look to the Lord in trying times.

New Projects in 2021
Besides continuing the MM outreaches worldwide, we have two new projects on the horizon. First, JJ and I are finishing a book we believe will inspire God’s people to walk as ambassadors of Jesus Christ. We trust it will serve as an inspirational and engaging manual to God’s mission. Second, we’re starting a video podcast to reach more people with the gospel and draw more believers into God’s great worldwide commission. We hope to air our first episode in the next month.
Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). That is our commitment to Him and to you who financially support the ministry. On behalf of our MM board and staff, thank you for standing with us in 2020. We welcome your continued support in 2021. As Oswald J. Smith declared, “Our work is to preach the gospel and we must not be sidetracked.” Amen!
If you are not presently supporting the mission, we invite you to become a Sender by committing to give $30 a month. That donation will go towards a new mission’s need each month. This month, our Senders will support Pastor Isara in unreached Thailand (This month’s Senders postcard pictured below). You can learn more at messagemissions.com/senders.
God bless you!
Brian Weller