Who We Are

MM Vision & Identity Statement

Jesus died to save a world lost in the darkness of sin. We place the message of Jesus’ salvation at the forefront of all we do. We reach the lost through local churches, dedicated evangelists, special outreaches and by evangelism training.

The most effective way to reach a nation is by the loving labors of its native Christians. For this reason, we choose to preach the gospel through indigenous partnerships rather than through unneccesarily expensive American missionaries.

MM Goal Statement
Our goals in working with indigenous missionaries, pastors and ministry workers are:
1) To help them fulfill the Great Commission by laboring with indigenous ministers.
3) To help them fulfill the Great Commission by helping them to feed the poor.
4) To help them fulfill the Great Commission by establishing Bible Schools and Mission Training Centers.
MM Organizational Structure:
Message Ministries and Missions Inc. operates by a board of Directors and advisors consisting of 7 people. This board provide a series of checks and balances regarding the ministry vision and direction, finances and other areas of accountability. Most of our board members have known President Brian and Anne Weller for over 20 years and have been involved in their lives in varying degrees over those years. Together we have put together an organizational structure which we believe will help us fulfill God’s call. We welcome any questions you may have regarding Message Ministries and Missions.