Who We Are 


MM Vision & Identity Statement

Message Ministries & Missions is an evangelical non-profit missions organization based out of St. Petersburg FL. MM exists to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and His saving power and grace throughout the world.
We accomplish this by:
Preaching the Gospel

Jesus died to save a world lost in the darkness of sin. We place the message of Jesus’ salvation at the forefront of all we do. We reach the lost through local churches, dedicated evangelists, special outreaches and by evangelism training.

Making Obedient Disciples
Jesus commands us to make disciples, not merely converts. We help Christians to grow in friendship with God, obedience to His Word, and action in His mission through local church relationships and special discipleship programs.
Providing Practical Needs
1 John 3:18 says, “let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” We seek to love the whole world by providing their practical needs. We do this through feeding centers, orphanages, job training, emergency relief and more.
MM currently partners with native ministers in Peru, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Burma and China. 
Indigenous Workers

The most effective way to reach a nation is by the loving labors of its native Christians. For this reason, we choose to preach the gospel through indigenous partnerships rather than through unneccesarily expensive American missionaries.  

Reaching the Unreached
40.6% of the world’s population lives in unreached people groups. That means that approximately 2.76 Billion people have never heard the gospel once. We dedicate the majority of our work to reaching those who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ. 
Word & Power
Christ commands us both to preach the gospel and to carry His miraculous power to the nations (Matthew 10:7-8). For this reason, we preach the gospel in its’ entirety and seek to demonstrate the gospel’s power through the gifts of the Spirit. 

MM Goal Statement

Our goals in working with indigenous missionaries, pastors and ministry workers are: 

1)  To help them fulfill the Great Commission by laboring with indigenous ministers.

We will do this in a way that does not create a dependence on us but rather a dependence God Himself. At times and as needed, we will send full-time mission workers from the United States, but this is not a primary goal or objective necessary to fulfill our commission.

  2)  To help them fulfill the Great Commission though strategic evangelism and discipleship.

This includes sending short-term mission teams when necessary. These teams may be from the United States; they may also be teams of indigenous, short-term missionaries who travel to other parts of their native countries. Our long-term vision is to send full-time missionaries from foreign fields to other foreign fields, including the “10/40 Window.”

  3)  To help them fulfill the Great Commission by helping them to feed the poor.

We will help establish feeding centers out of local churches we partner with. These feeding centers will help further the cause of the gospel by showing God’s love, in a practical way, in communities that live, for the most part, far below the poverty level. These feeding centers will also share the gospel and disciple children in the ways of Jesus, so that they in turn will desire to bring hope and mercy to others as they grow.

  4)  To help them fulfill the Great Commission by establishing Bible Schools and Mission Training Centers.

These schools will be places where indigenous peoples can attend and receive training for the ministry. The teaching at these schools will be conducted by indigenous Bible teachers as well as teachers from other countries. These teachers will be training the next generation of indigenous missionaries, pastors, and ministry workers. The Training Centers will be established in the poor areas where we are already working, and they will be places where indigenous churches can send those whom God is calling into ministry. We will also develop a correspondence course for workers who are unable to attend these schools because of other family or ministry responsibilities. These correspondence courses will also be available to students in other nations.


MM Organizational Structure:

Message Ministries and Missions Inc. operates by a board of Directors and advisors consisting of 7 people. This board provide a series of checks and balances regarding the ministry vision and direction, finances and other areas of accountability. Most of our board members have known President Brian and Anne Weller for over 20 years and have been involved in their lives in varying degrees over those years. Together we have put together an organizational structure which we believe will help us fulfill God’s call. We welcome any questions you may have regarding Message Ministries and Missions.

Financial reports are available by request.
Interested in our worldwide evangelism efforts? We strongly encourage you to visit MM World Map. There, you will find a digital tour of our ministries nation by nation. To do so, click the red button below. 
Curious about how to partner with us in God’s Great Commission? It’s so easy. We have many missions opportunities just waiting for you to choose from! Check out 4 Ways to Join Arms to learn how to help us SHARE GOD’S HOPE worldwide. To do so, click the green button below.