Aug '19
We Did It! MM Supporters Sponsored 100 Burmese Youth Campers (Aug. ’19)
Aug '19
A Message from MM Founder Brian Weller
A couple weeks ago, MM Partner David S. mentioned an opportunity to sponsor a youth camp for unreached youth in Burma. We wrote about that here. I learned that many Burmese youth are addicted to drugs, and many work in the drug trade. The moment I heard about this camp, the Lord led me to tell David that Message Ministries would sponsor the whole camp.
Sometimes ministry finances can be tight at the end of summer. But the Lord so clearly said, “Do it.” So I wrote our Burmese partner and said, “Our ministry will sponsor the whole camp.” He wrote back in a few minutes saying, “I was surprised to get a response so quickly.” I told him God clearly called us, and I promised we would send the money in two weeks. We then started praying for the funds. I had no idea how God would provide! I know that God always makes a way, even though sometimes He does things differently than we’re used to.
Here’s the praise report: This morning (August 17, 2019), we received the final $40 needed to sponsor the camp. That’s exactly two weeks from when we made the promise! I want to thank those who prayed. I also want to give a giant THANK YOU to the 21 Peruvians and the 10 Americans who sponsored teens. Because of your love and generosity, 100 youth will attend the camp next week. Lives will be changed! Youth will give their lives to Jesus! Drug addicts will be set free!
We will give updates when the camp begins and ends. If you would like to read more about the camp, please click here.
Are you looking for a way to sponsor amazing world missions projects like this every month? We want to invite you to learn more about our Senders program. Senders is our family of $30 monthly supporters. Every month, your Senders donation goes towards a new featured need. This month (August 2019), every MM Sender sponsored 3 Burmese campers. Our Senders have also sponsored gospel tracts and eyeglasses for unreached Cambodians, motorcycles for missionaries, and more. You don’t want to miss these wonderful missions opportunities! To learn more, please click here.