April 2021: Relief in Myanmar and Cambodia; Youth Camp Update

Hudson Taylor, the extremely dedicated 19th-century missionary to China, once said, “The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.” We have always believed that and still do!
Hudson Taylor served the Lord as a missionary in China for fifty-one years and was responsible for bringing 800 full-time missionaries to reach the people of China with the gospel. Inspired by the words of Jesus, the Apostles, and great ambassadors of Christ like Taylor, we believe the Great Commission is God’s neverending worldwide mission outreach, and God calls all of His people to participate!
In this newsletter, we want to sincerely thank every person, church, and ministry who participates with us to fulfill God’s Great Commission. Together we are sending the gospel and ministering to those in need in some of the darkest places on this planet. We are equally grateful for the indigenous missionaries, pastors, and ministry workers we partner with, in Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Peru, and Thailand, as well as strategic missionaries like Jim Randall in SE Asia, who train indigenous ministers, write training materials, and connect us with indigenous gospel workers.
Message Ministries is simply a conduit connecting you with them. Each month thousands receive ministry because of God’s faithfulness and your generosity and prayers. Together, by God’s grace, we make a profound difference in thousands of lives, including many brothers and sisters in the faith. Also, many are hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time in gospel-starved nations. Honestly, we will never know all God has allowed us to do together until we celebrate with Him in His heavenly kingdom. Until then, we are committed to fulfilling God’s Great Commission faithfully, strategically, and dutifully by His grace, power, and provision.
Thank you for being a part of the team of missionary ambassadors God strategically knit together by direction of the Holy Spirit. Let’s go forward to fulfill His call to reach this world with the only message of eternal salvation found in Jesus Christ alone. We know many other ministries do similar things as Message Ministries, so we are honored and thankful you have chosen us to represent you on the mission field.
Please pray as we go forward, giving, going, and sending others to preach the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. To God be all glory and honor for anything we do together. He alone is worthy!
Myanmar Gospel Relief Project
Thank you for the outpouring of love we have received for the people of Myanmar. May God continue to bless you as you bless others! We have now received and sent over $6,000 to FTS to help with the Myanmar Gospel Relief Project. Glory to God!
Evangelist P. continues to work hard with his ministry team to disburse food and the gospel to victims of violence. This includes neighborhoods that burned to the ground. There is not much we can do from here but pray and send financial help. Evangelist P. is courageous in stepping out of the comfort of his home to help people in need during this time of unrest. He is genuinely grateful for the help MM and others are sending during this most difficult time.
The military continues to do all they can to keep the Burmese people living in fear of them. When someone like P. steps out in the love of Jesus Christ to help those in need, He proclaims Jesus Christ is real, He is my Lord, and I am not afraid.
Peter sharing a financial gift and food with a woman and her son.
Her husband was killed in the violence in Myanmar.
We will continue to send help as we receive it. Unfortunately, this looks like it won’t end soon! It is an excellent opportunity to share the gospel message during a time when people are looking for something eternally real. The food given in the name of Jesus Christ opens up the hearts of those living without hope. Please keep praying!
To help this outreach, click the green button below.
You can also text EMERGENCY and a dollar amount to 727-87REACH
Cambodia Gospel Relief Project
We praise God for Rin and the faithful ministry team of Mercy Village in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. We are blessed to be one of their ministry partners.
About a week ago, the Holy Spirit led us to tell Rin we would send funds in a few days for rice and food items because things are really difficult for the poor people around Mercy Village. The COVID-19 lockdowns have made it difficult for the people there. We made that promise by faith, and we were trusting the Lord to meet the need.
We have included a few pictures of what they purchased with the Hannah Grace Foundation donation; this is enough food to bless 250 families in and around Mercy Village. Rin and the Mercy Village ministry team gave these things away in the name of Jesus Christ, while sharing the gospel, and giving gospel tracts to those who don’t know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Below are a few pictures of the food and the gospel being shared with families in need.
Please keep praying for Rin, Mercy Village, and ministries like the Hannah Grace Foundation whom God uses to answer the prayers of the physically and spiritually poor and needy, and Share God’s Hope. Thank you!
To help this outreach, click the green button below.
You can also text EMERGENCY and a dollar amount to 727-87REACH.
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Cambodia Youth Camp Update
Praise God! We have received all the funds needed for the Cambodia Youth Camp with Rin and Mercy Village!
However, because of more COVID-19 lockdowns, the camp was rescheduled for June 18-20. We also decided to add more youth to the camp and told Rin we would cover the cost. The original camp price was $3,000, the new $4,650. God has already provided the extra funds needed. Donations totaling $4,668 came in from 13 people and two churches.
Special thanks to those who gave; you know who you are! Also, a special thank you to two churches—Spirit and Truth Ministries for their $3,000 gift and Frontline Evangelistic Outreach for their $500 donation. We are celebrating God’s faithfulness in providing through you! Glory to God!
This discipleship camp will be life-changing for the youth and leaders who attend. Please begin to pray for a very spiritually fruitful “We Are the Salt of the World” Camp. Amen!
We honestly could not do what we do in Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Peru, and Thailand without your love and support. Together, we give all glory and honor to God, for He alone is worthy of praise and honor! Amen!
Senders Focus of the Month – May 2021
Want to join Senders, our team of $30-a-month supporters? Each month your donation will sponsor a new featured need. Click here to learn more or join now.

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