Mar '23

February 2023: Inspiring Stories from God’s Harvest Field
Posted on Mar 4, 2023 in Blog Posts, Burma, Cambodia, News, Newsletter, Peru, Uncategorized |
Mar '23

In this month’s newsletter, we share with you some mission updates from Myanmar, Cambodia, Peru, and Laos. Please take a moment to join us in praying for these dedicated ambassadors of Jesus Christ, their families, and their ministries.

Three Devoted Pastors in Myanmar
MM Partners A.D, A.S, and Jo. are tremendous blessings to Myanmar’s unreached villages. They and their families have dedicated their lives to preaching the gospel of salvation to as many as possible. They often cross rivers in makeshift boats to reach their countrymen who desperately need God’s hope. Then they visit house to house to preach, pray, and share the love of Jesus Christ—and sometimes they bring small food gifts as a token of Jesus’s kindness. Their wives and children empower their efforts by passionately interceding when they venture into unreached regions. We need our partners to pray likewise! Thanks for supporting these faithful Burmese gospel warriors in prayer and action. If you’re interested in sponsoring these missionaries, please visit MessageMissions.com/Myanmar.

Cambodia: Pastor Pou leads village children and youth in worship and Bible study.
God’s on the Move in Cambodia
The gospel has spread like wildfire through Cambodia in recent years. In this historic movement, God is awakening the hearts of children, youth, and adults of all ages—from bustling cities like Phnom Penh to rural villages like where MM partners Pou And Sot labor.
Pastor Pou is raising young disciples to Jesus Christ through Good News Mission Church in Kampong Province (pictured to the right). God is accomplishing beautiful things through this powerful village ministry—He’s even using children to reach whole families! Thank you for helping us support this dynamic yet humble church.

CAMBODIA- Pastor Sot and his wife leading children and youth from their village in worship and Bible study.
Pastor Sot also disciples youth and adults in Kampong Province. Sot is leaving a colossal impact in the lives of the children, youth, and families in villages like this one (pictured), where he recently planted another house church. He now pastors two churches—and soon, he might plant a third! That’s while working a secular job full-time!
As you view the pictures of these humble yet effective ministries, please take a moment to intercede for Pastors Pou and Sot, their families, their ministry partners, the children they influence, and their Buddhist parents and grandparents. Together, let’s pray for salvation to sweep Kampong Province! God is truly doing great things in Cambodia. We’re privileged to play a role in this historic move of God through our partnership with Mercy Village Church in Phnom Penh. If you’re interested in sponsoring the ministries of Pastors Pou or Sot, please visit MessageMissions.com/Cambodia.

Pastor Fabian Santillan: A Faithful Witness in Peru
We thank God for faithful servants like our dear friend, Pastor Fabian Santillan, in Peru. He has served faithfully in the sandy slums of Pachacutec for decades as the pastor of Iglesia La Viña del Señor. As many of you know, his wife Cecilia went home to the Lord last January—but Pastor Fabian continues serving Jesus with passion anywhere God opens a door. Fabian knows that Peru needs the hope of Jesus more than anything else—so moved by holy love, he and his team preach the gospel faithfully and joyfully to all who will listen.
Recently, he and his ministry team hosted an outdoor event to minister to the people of Pachacutec. They presented food, music, and gifts—but most importantly, they passionately preached the message of salvation in Jesus Christ. God blessed and encouraged all those in attendance on that beautiful sunny day! We’re sure La Viña del Señor will have some new visitors.
Please intercede for Pastor Fabian, his family, team, and disciples. Thanks to our mission supporters for helping Pastor Fabian minister to Peru through events like these and more!

MYANMAR – Pastor P. disciples new believers in various house church settings like this one.
From Evangelist to Pastor: P. in Myanmar
When we started supporting him, we called him Evangelist P. Back then, he’d just begun a promising evangelistic ministry in Myanmar through our partner, FTS Ministries. But now, the young trailblazer has won many souls in villages near his hometown and has dedicated much of his life to personal and corporate discipleship. For that reason, we’ve begun to call him Pastor P.
Pastor P.’s life provides a powerful argument for indigenous ministry in the 10/40 Window. P. knows the language and culture and lives among the Burmese as a living witness of God’s grace and power. As a native, he knows the average villager’s strengths, weaknesses, sensitivities, and tendencies. As such, he serves as a culturally-aware spiritual shepherd, wisely leading villagers on the path of Jesus through personal discipleship and faithful Bible teaching. The fact is, strategic western missionaries are helpful, but native witnesses like P. are irreplaceable.
We feel deeply blessed to watch the remarkable transformation in P.’s life and ministry. He’s shown such inspiring faithfulness to the Lord in the face of life-threatening national turmoil. Please continue interceding for him, his wife, and his children as they continue ministering God’s love to the people of Myanmar/Burma. We can’t wait to see what the Lord does through his life! May thousands more in Burma come to know the Lord!
Helping Them Share God’s Hope
We pray these powerful accounts from the field encourage you to fulfill God’s calling this month. Jesus wants to use you similarly wherever He’s placed you—as the Apostle Paul declared, “We are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (NIV). Would you like to help missionaries like these reach the world for Christ? Please join us in prayer, and consider four ways to join arms with MM at Messagemissions.com/join-arms.