January 2015

000 Christmas-Blessing-Project-Update
We sincerely thank you for helping us bless many children in Peru and India at Christmas.
By the grace of God, and your financial support we were able to provide gifts for children in 17 different locations in Peru. These included the 11 Loaves and Fishes Feeding Ministries that we support on a monthly basis. The two pictures on on the bottom right are from the Mercy Children’s Home in Amritsar, India where your donations provided children with a new set of clothes and shoes. We were blessed to be able to help Living Hope Ministries with this need.
I don’t know about you, but when I look at pictures like these, I am even more motivated to keep doing what we are doing! How about you? I believe God’s smile is bigger than the ones on these children faces, and I like when God smile’s!
Please hit the link below to view more pictures of this years Christmas Blessing Project. 
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2015-01-03 10.38.44
000 Corazones-en-Fuego-Teams
2015 Corazones en Fuego Team - Copy
Hello my friends!Please pray for our Corazones en Fuego (Hearts on Fire) outreaches and events. Our first summer youth retreat is from January 29-31.

Our Mission trip to Ica City, which is 5 hours south of Lima, will be February 13 – 16. We will preach the gospel through eyeglass clinics, dramas, music, door to door evangelism and testimonies. Please pray for us because we need 100 assistants and right now we have only 70.

Also please pray for God’s provision for the trip. We are working hard and trusting the Lord!

000 Southeast-Asia-Mission-Trip
At the end of January I will be heading back to Southeast Asia with my friend Ron Bouvier. Ron has been on a few trips with us to Peru and is one of our ministry board advisors. Ron and I will meet up with Jim Randall in Bangkok, Thailand and make visits to other Southeast Asian countries. The majority of this part of the world is unreached with the gospel. Our goal is to come alongside indigenous leaders to help them further their ministries, much like we have done in Peru.
Southeast Asia has a population of 625 million and comprises 11 countries. Over half of the population, or 316 million people have never heard about Jesus Christ. Our job is to help them hear for the first time! It was Carl Henry who said “The gospel is only good news if it gets there in time.” Thank you for helping us to get it there on time!
Please pray for us as we GO. We are asking for God’s wisdom, divine appointments, traveling mercies, and provisions to meet the needs we encounter along the way.
Please continue to pray for Jim Randall who joyfully spends his “retirement” years in this very needy part of the world, helping to reach the unreached, by training indigenous leaders to be missionaries and pastors to their own people.
In His Service,  Brian Weller