A Missionary Church in Peru! A Report from Brian Weller

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We just received these pictures from Susan with the Iglesia Casa de Dios (House of God Church) in Pachacutec, Lima, Peru. The photos were taken during their children’s ministry time last weekend. They were celebrating the birthdays of two children during their time of fellowship and ministry.

We first visited House of God Church in 2010 when it was called Cristo Vive Church (Christ Lives). At that time, they had a dirt floor and a very rustic building. I love the story of how they received their property. Our dear sister in the Lord, Celestina, prayed for a sick man, and God healed him. That man donated the property for the church, saying, “We need to have a church here!” We were and continue to be inspired by their love and ministry to the children and families of this Peruvian neighborhood!

At that time, we felt impressed to partner with them by providing funds for their children’s discipleship and feeding ministry. They’re still at it!

Pachacutec is not as poor as it used to be. But with your help, Message Ministries continues to support this wonderful ministry. They are still discipling children consistently after all these years. Gloria a Dios!

This is also a giving church, with a great missionary heart. Over the last 18 months, they have given very generously towards our outreaches to SE Asia, including Burma and Cambodia. The praiseworthy thing is that they donated more than what we sent them during that same period of time. Isn’t that amazing? Praise God!

Please pray for Pastor David and Susan of this very special church. Ask God to continue giving them wisdom to minister to the people of Pachacutec, and to bless them for their hard work sharing God’s hope with their community and SE Asia.
Would you like to fully support Casa de Dios feeding center? You can adopt this ministry for only $80 a month! What a glorious opportunity! To adopt this ministry, click the green button below.


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