One of the greatest parts of the trip was working alongside local pastors who have a go-til-you-drop mentality when it comes to kingdom work. They are amazing examples of what Jesus has called us to be; we were so blessed to see them in their element and just sit with them one on one, listen to their stories and encourage them in any way we could.
Mission puts the work of Lord into perspective; as we went to bless and love on others, the oneness of Gods people allowed us to receive the same in return. We saw people who seemed to have so little but whom God sees, and so clearly revealed to us, are the ones who have so much! They are incredible examples of men and women “storing up treasures in heaven rather than here on this earth.”
Each morning we walked from our guest house to the missionary’s house to meet as a team for bible study then head out for ministry. We would walk through “town” seeing everyone go about their daily tasks. Toward the end of our journey we would pass a bore hole. Everyday children laughed and played as they pumped water into their jerry cans. From an American perspective this would be a laborious task, but for them it is a daily chore that they see as a blessing to have so close by; the water they need to survive and sustain a healthy life. Truly humbling, it’s amazing how God can speak so simply. Revealing our need to approach the Savior with the same joy those kids go to the bore hole with; the expectancy that when we go to his throne of grace, he will provide our every need and we will never be thirsty because of his promise.
We are so grateful for your prayers and financial support. Without you, our trip to Uganda would not have been possible. Mission trips are not just about the people who put their feet on foreign soil but those who constantly support missionaries with prayer as they go. We are truly so blessed by your sacrifice to give. Thank you.
A Pre Trip Letter from Mike and Katie Goreski
October 2014
Dear Friends and Family,
We are so excited to tell you that we have been given the opportunity to lead a small team to Kitgum, Uganda, Africa! As many of you know I, Katie, spent a month in Kitgum just over five years ago. During that time I felt the Lord confirm my call to missions and had amazing opportunities to Share the Love of Christ, love on children and be blessed in so many unexplainable ways. Since that time I have been excited and eager to return as I have been constantly supporting Rex and Melinda Guyunn because of my strong belief in all that they are doing to reach the unreached and in need people of rural Kitgum.
Kitgum is located in Northern Uganda – very close to Sudan- and is a region that was largely affected by Joseph Kony and his following (you may have heard of in various Invisible Children videos). Because of the heinous acts of this group there are many orphans and many, many needs. While I was there I heard countless heart wrenching stories of children left parentless at all ages, even as young as a newborn, who was found on the back of their mother who was killed by child soldiers.
We are thrilled that God has chosen us to fulfill his call and provide this opportunity to partner with the Guyunn’s to bless (and be blessed by) the people of Northern Uganda. The dates that we will be traveling will be November 22nd– December 7th. We will be traveling with a four person team including recent high school graduate, Mariel Piper, who Mike and I have been blessed to pour into and pastor over the last few years. Marco Aroni, the Peruvian Missions coordinator for my father’s mission organization, Message Ministries and Missions will also be joining us. Marco has felt a call to Africa for 18 years and we are so excited to be a small part of facilitating that calling! Although the exact schedule of our trip is not set, we will ministering at local orphanages, discipling young adults and teens and travel outside of Kitgum to Bush villages to minister.
We are writing you as our support system to ask for your prayer and support as we prepare and head out on this mission we know the Lord has called us to. As the 1st mission trip Mike and I will be taking as a married couple, we are so excited to see how the Lord will work through both of us as well as the opportunity to spend thanksgiving, truly giving thanks to God for who he is and all that he purposes us for.
We thank you in advance for all of your prayers as we prepare and Go, and any support that you can lend as you partner with us in what Christ is accomplishing in Northern Uganda!
To give a tax deductible donation please just hit the donate link to the right or make a check payable to Message Ministries and Missions and mail to PO Box 7158, St. Petersburg, FL 33734.
God Bless,
Mike and Katie Goreski