August 2015

CAMBODIA Update by James Sann 

Thank you so much for supporting the minIMG_2175 (HPMESSMIN2012's conflicted copy 2015-08-22) (HPMESSMIN2012's conflicted copy 2015-08-24)with the message of Jesus Christ and material needs. This month, a friend and I are busy with something called The Water Filter Project. The Water Filter Project will provide clean water for the people who live in this community. With the help of my friend, an Austrian engineer, the project should be in full operation by the end of the month.


Brian asked me to share with you about my need for transportation. For IMG_2196 (HPMESSMIN2012's conflicted copy 2015-08-22) (HPMESSMIN2012's conflicted copy 2015-08-24)the last four years, I have been traveling around Pnomh Penh on a bicycle to minister to the children and families of this slum community. Many times when I visit, there are people who are sick and need to go to the hospital, but they have no money or IMG_0814transportation of their own to get there. Sometimes I pay for a moto-taxi (Tuk-Tuk) to get them to the hospital, but that costs a lot of money. If I had a motorcycle, I would be able to take these sweet people to get the help that they need. The motorcycle would also IMG_2245 (HPMESSMIN2012's conflicted copy 2015-08-22) (HPMESSMIN2012's conflicted copy 2015-08-24) - Copyhelp me to reach out to some villages that are a couple hours away. Brian, Ron and Jim visited one of these villages with me in February. The cost of the motorcycle, helmet and registration would be around $2,500 and we have $500 that has already been donated.

If God touches your heart to help with this need or anything else, I welcome your support in working for the Lord and the Kingdom of God in Cambodia. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your family. Amen!


LAOS Update: Pastor K________

We are honored to have taken on full mission support for indigenous Pastor/Missionary K_____ in Laos. This man of God is working in very hard conditions to bring the gospel to as many as he can. He spends his days visiting believers, leaders and churches that he has planted in Laos. Please note that we are not going to give full details in this report, because Laos is a Communist country and that could put him in danger.Pastor K’s Report:
L___ Bible SchoolI have been doing leadership training every other month for the last six months. There are about 15 national pastors/missionaries that I train and work with. Most of them have never been to Bible School, but are very hungry to learn. Since the government is always investigating us we generally don’t meet for training in a big group. I usually just train 4 to 6 at a time in my house. When the pastors come they share many testimonies of the miracles the Lord has done through their ministries such as healing and casting out demons. We are praising God because recently 11 families have come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 




I have also been busy doing follow up and preaching in different churches in my province. My prayer is that I could start training selected young people to send into the mission fields. Also, I really need some one to help me in this ministry because I am getting old. Please pray for these things! Thank you very much for your prayers.

Pastor K______

Myanmar Flood Relief

TMyanmar Flood Reliefhere was a terrible flood that hit Myanmar (Burma) recently, and many are now homeless, without food or fresh water.  The price of food has skyrocketed.  We sent funds to Pastor Jayae, the indigenous missionary that we support, and he is sending teams to help rebuild, provide food and water and share the love of Jesus.  Please pray for Pastor Jayae and his team as they GO. If you would like to help, we welcome your support.   