Peru Update: Valle Verde Church Project
In third world areas, sometimes things can take a lot longer to get done than planned! A couple of years ago money was donated to build this church in Valle Verde, but the church was unable to get the rights to the property they had settled on. We decided not to build at that time and the donor was fine with us using their gift elsewhere.
Recently, the church was able to get the rights to build on this land and in April a young couple donated the funds for this project. It took this long to complete the construction because of the government’s guidelines.
The building is now complete and what a wonderful difference between the old and new. The congregation used to come into a building with a dirt floor, with paper and cardboard for wallpaper and a leaky plastic roof above their heads. Now, when Pastor Jose Amaya, Amanda and their family go to minister there, they have a cement floor, real walls and a roof over their head. The cost of this project was $3,500. This is home to the Valle Verde Feeding Center.
India: Mercy Children’s Home & Orphanage
We are honored to partner with The Kaushal’s and Living Hope Ministries of North India, the ministry they lead. One of their ministries is the Mercy Children’s Home and Orphanage in Amritsar, a city in Punjab. Punjab is the northern most region of India.
Recently, we received this picture with the news that they had welcomed five more children into the Mercy Children’s Home and Orphanage, a place they built and operate for children who have no other place to go!
Part of our partnership with Living Hope Ministries is to provide funding for orphans and street children. We welcome your help! For only $25 a month you can sponsor one of these special children. That’s only $300 a year and 100% of your gift goes directly to that child’s sponsorship.
Descatarse II – Peru Youth Missionary Training
On the weekend of August 25, Descatarse II took place at the Hearts on Fire Bible School in Marquez, Peru. Descatarse II was a missionary training weekend for Peruvian youth and young adults who wanted to receive more discipleship and missionary training. The event was organized by Marco Aroni and Pastors Fabian and Jose. Those who attended were inspired by the teaching and training they received and touched by the presence of God during the times of worship and prayer.
These young men and women will be part of the Peruvian youth mission teams we’ll be helping to send out under Peruvian Leadership. This event is part of the second phase of ministry at the Hearts on Fire Bible School which is to provide missionary training to those being called into missionary service.
We’ll be hosting Descatarse III in December. Our vision and desire is to help the Peruvian churches raise up a group of young missionaries to reach Peru and then go out to other parts of the world.
Vocational Training Center: New Classes Begin
The Able Hands Vocational Training Center in Lomas de Carabayllo was established to provide vocational training for those in this very poor area of Lima. Up until now the training provided has come from seminar classes by guest instructors teaching brief courses in carpentry and electrical wiring.
We’ve decided it’s time to have regular classes at the school and since some of those who desire training have jobs; either in the dumps or elsewhere we’ve decided to have classes on the weekends. Our school instructor will be Marcos Venegas Zuniga. Marcos is a dedicated believer in Jesus Christ, a gifted craftsmen and a great communicator. On September 8th, he will begin teaching classes on carpentry, electrical wiring, tiling, drywall, plumbing and other subjects as we progress into the future. Please pray for Marcos as he prepares for the classes and for us as we take on this new expense.
Since last December when Chuck Moore and Marcos taught the first classes, the students at the VTC have been building the prefab homes we’ve purchased and put up for needy families. They also built the prefab building kit for the church in Valle Verde. Gloria a Dios!
Ready to GO! Mission Peru – December
Mission Peru – December is going to be an amazing trip loaded with opportunities to share the Love of Jesus Christ. Brian will lead this trip to Lima which will include a two day Peruvian youth missionary training conference, the building of a prefab home or church, and an outreach to an area that has not had a visit from a mission team for as long as the pastor can remember. These are great opportunities to serve the Lord and people!
If you’ve been waiting to be a part of one of our mission teams this is a great opportunity to jump on board and make a difference. The trip dates are November 30 until December 9. The cost of the trip will be $500 plus airfare to Lima, Peru from wherever you are coming from.
Please e-mail or call our office for more details or to sign up. If God is calling, don’t forget to answer!
Hit Here for Mission Applications and Requirements.
India Update:
Because of schedule conflicts, the mission to India we wrote about in our last newsletter has been postponed until next Spring.
Weller Band – Home at Last EP
Brian and JJ just finished their new Weller Band – Home at Last EP. The music on this recording is a great ministry tool.
Go to to listen or download.
Weller Band is an outreach ministry of Message Ministries.