MM Bible Teaching

Stoke your missions flame with Bible teaching from MM Founder Brian Mark Weller!
Take a Deep Breath of God’s Spirit
Don’t Practice God-Distancing
Did You Hear the Knock?
Do Not Fear!
Darkness is Coming, but Light Will Win!
Are We Snoozing God’s Alarm?
My J-E-S-U-S Acrostic
What to Do When the Devil Knocks Your Door
Trust in the Lord
Time With God: A Short Devotional
Spiritual Metamorphosis
How to Live in God’s Dwelling Place
Psalm 91:1 says “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Many believers experience extraordinary moments in God’s presence but miss out on the privilege of abiding under the shadow of the Almighty. Scripture is clear that God wants us to dwell in His presence and not just to make occasional visits there!
In this message, Brian Mark Weller answers three vital questions:
1) Where is God’s Dwelling Place?
2) How do we enter God’s Dwelling Place?
3) How do we remain in God’s Dwelling Place?
We fervently pray that this message is an inspiration to you and helps you grow closer to God and to have a vibrant, loving relationship with the God who created you to fellowship with Him.
Dwell Devotional
1 Thessalonians 5:6 says, “let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.” Many Christians have fallen into a spiritual slumber and keep hitting their spiritual snooze alarm. It’s time to wake up and stay awake! In this short devotional, Brian Mark Weller sounds the alarm and calls us to wake up to God’s call.
Missions God’s Way with Statistics
In this message Brian shares for a few minutes about his call to ministry. He also shares how Message Ministries started as a local ministry and evolved over a period of years into a world missions organization. The main thrust of this message is to respond to God’s call to reach the whole world with the gospel and not just the parts that are already reached. He shares about the 10/40 window, where it is, the needs there and how we can reach it with the gospel of Jesus Christ using the New Testament paradigm of missions.
What is Your Vision of God?
In this message, Brian talks about how important it is for us to have the right vision of who God is. Everything that we do as Christians will be in response to how we see God. How we see God will dictate how we live our lives, how we make decisions and how we serve the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
Keys to Kingdom Living #2 – Passion
This is the second key in Brian’s series “Four Keys to Kingdom Living”. In it Brian shares how we need to be living for the passions of God. That our passions should line up with His and if they do, the passions of the world will have little place in our lives as we seek to live under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Keys to Kingdom Living #3 – Purpose with Statistics
This is the second key in Brian’s series “Four Keys to Kingdom Living”. In it Brian shares how we need to be living for the passions of God. That our passions should line up with His and if they do, the passions of the world will have little place in our lives as we seek to live under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Keys to Kingdom Living #4 – Power
In this message Brian talks about Key #4 to Kingdom Living which is Power. He talks about God’s promise of the Holy Spirit as another comforter and the one who brings and the releases the power of God in us and through us. He also talks about the steps we must take to actually walk in the power that God has provided through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Keys to Spiritual Growth – Prayer and Persistence
In this message Brian share with us that two of the main keys to Spiritual growth are prayer and persistence. It is so important to keep our relationship with the Lord as our number one priority and to be persistent in the things God has called us to.
Caught in the Middle
In this message Brian addresses how we can get caught in the Middle between the world and the Kingdom of God. What to do when we find ourselves camping in the tents of compromise. He also addresses what it means to be a follower of Jesus and what God expects from us as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Purpose of the Anointing – La Proposito de la Uncion
In this message Brian teaches on Isaiah 61 and the purposes behind the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
What Does God Expect From Me – Que Es Lo Que Espera Dios De Mi
In this message Brian uses the Word of God to paint the picture of what God expects from we His people.