Myanmar: Evangelist P.

Radical opposition to the gospel. An addiction epidemic. And over 45 million with minimum exposure to the gospel. Yet Jesus is moving in saving power. MM Evangelist P. has dedicated his life to the salvation of unreached Burma.
Evangelist P. was raised in a Christian family but lost his way as a teenager. In high school, he joined a gang and begun abusing drugs and alcohol. The deeper he entered into gang life, the stronger his addiction grew, and the more violent he became. In high school, he often broke into fights with his schoolmates. Soon, he became so violent that his teachers had to expel him. “No schools would receive him because of his reputation,” David S. told us. “I challenged him to come to our Bible school. He did, and Jesus transformed his life.” He met his wife in Bible school, and they went into ministry together.
Today, Evangelist P. and his wife are working hard for the salvation of the crowded city of Mandalay, Myanmar. Most days, Evangelist P. builds relationships with students in coffee shops and soccer fields near Mandalay universities. “He’s made about 40 friends this way, and has been sharing the gospel with them,” David S. told us in January 2020. “Everywhere he goes, people are drawn to him. People trust him and love to be his friends. He has the gifting of an evangelist and pastor.” Peter also evangelizes through English classes. Every Sunday, Peter visits several Burmese families to teach English, build relationships, and share Jesus as opportunities arise.
As common in large cities, the urban people of Mandalay seem closed the gospel. “The people there hate Christians, missionaries, and western people.” David S. told us. “The people are fervent Buddhists. To work with people like that, you really need time to build relationships.” Yet as Peter has built friendships, he’s found deep spiritual curiosity in the people of Mandalay. “When Peter talks about Jesus, they don’t just sit there and listen,” David S. remarked. “They ask many questions. They ask about Heaven, Hell, and the afterlife. ‘After we die, what happens to us? What do Christians believe?’ They’re actually very hungry underneath that hard shell.”
Lost souls have received Jesus’ salvation as a result of P’s labors in Mandalay. These disciples have received Burmese Bibles and spend regular time in personal scripture study. Twice a month, P. visits these disciples to share about Jesus and teach the Word. God seems to be using these discipleship gatherings to draw more to Jesus. Eventually, Evangelist P. and David S. want to plant a church, a Bible school, and a training center in Mandalay.
Evangelist P. is driven by a genuine love for God and others. “P. Loves to serve others,” David S. told us. “God’s love compelled Peter to move to Mandalay, and now he wants to see the young people touched by God. He knows very well that nothing can change people except God’s power.” But Evangelist P. doesn’t only want to win souls. He wants to activate young people in the Great Commission. David S. revealed P’s heart: “He wants to make disciples in the big city so more young people can be thrust into the mission field.” Take a moment and pray that God would help Evangelist P. fulfill this great missions vision.
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