Here’s how you can play a CRUCIAL role in Jesus’s Christmas harvest of souls!
(Not a reader? Check out the video below instead).
As a disciple of Jesus, you know the true message of Christmas—Jesus came to Earth to transform our lives, save our souls, and reconcile us to God through the cross! But did you know that 3.28 billion souls have never even heard this Christmas story of salvation? This Christmas, you can help us change that by partnering with our worldwide holiday outreach, the Christmas Blessing Project (CBP).
This Christmas, YOU can send a gift and the gospel to a needy soul in unreached Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, or India for only $5 or $6. Here’s how it works.
Compassionate believers like YOU send $5 or $6 to sponsor a Christmas gift in the third-world. Donation is easy – just click the donate button below, pick the location you want to reach, and enter the amount you want to give. We’ll send you a CBP prayer card (pictured above) to thank you for your partnership and remind you to pray for the person(s) you sponsored.
We distribute your donation to one of our native ministry partners. Once your missionary receives your donation, they’ll buy a gift according to the needs they know. Some give toys, others give school supplies, others buy clothes and more practical items, and others focus on a Christmas feast.
Near Christmas, your missionary will gather their community to give your gifts, share a Christmas meal, and declare the Christmas story of salvation. As a result, the recipient of your Christmas blessing may very well receive Jesus and begin the path of discipleship! Best of all, your missionary will disciple that new believer all year long through personal involvement and corporate ministry.
After the outreaches we’ll post pictures, videos, and reports on our social media so you can see the results.
Does this sound like a project you’d like to join arms with? Maybe you’d like to reach one soul for $5. Or maybe you’d like to give CBP prayer cards as stocking stuffers by sponsoring Christmas blessings in the name of your loved ones. Or maybe you feel led to take a leap of faith and sponsor a whole CBP outreach for about $500. No matter how Jesus leads you to participate, we covet your prayers and appreciate your partnership. Thanks for considering our outreach!
To sponsor a Christmas Blessing,
click the button below!
Still want to learn more?
Still have questions after the tour?
Feel free to contact us.