Dec '18

Christmas Blessing Report: Trapaing Chak Kantork, Cambodia
Posted on Dec 17, 2018 in Blog Posts, Cambodia, Cambodia Christmas Blessing Project, News, Newsletter, Uncategorized |
Dec '18

On December 4, 2018, MM partnered with Cambodian church leaders to conduct a special Christmas outreach in Trapaing Chak Kantrork Village, Cambodia. 113 villagers joyfully gathered for a delicious Christmas meal and a clear gospel presentation, and our partners gave backpacks to many students as tokens of Jesus’ love. The results were powerful: 22 people professed Jesus as Lord and 7 received divine healing!
Would you, your family, or church like to spread Jesus’ love to needy souls like those in Trapaing Chak Kantrork Village this Christmas? Why not buy a Christmas gift for someone in Peru, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, or Vietnam for $5 or more? Why not sponsor a Cambodian village outreach for only $150? 100% of your donation will go directly towards a CBP outreach. Together, we can share the true meaning of Christmas — the love of Christ demonstrated on the cross!
To SUPPORT the Christmas Blessing Project, click the green button below! To LEARN MORE about the Christmas Blessing Project or to read heart-warming CBP stories, click the red button below!
More Photos from the Outreach