Touch lives! Send gospel literature to Peru
It’s time to win the lost and call back the prodigals! Help us print $1 copies of The Cure for Death in Peru!
From the slums of Pachacutec to the prison wards of Huaraz, our Peruvian partners have labored heart and soul to win their nation for Christ.
Now, these inspiring believers want to add a new tool to their gospel toolbox. They’ve asked to distribute 3000 copies of JJ Weller’s pocket-sized evangelistic book, The Cure for Death, to Peru’s needy souls!
Many copies will be distributed in pueblos near Lima, Peru. 1500 were requested for prisoners in Huaraz, Peru.
We can’t wait to see what the Lord will do as our partners give away free copies to those they meet.
But first, we need your help!
Would you like to partner with us in this Peruvian harvest?
Fill in the form below to sponsor books! Each copy costs only $1 to print.