Dec '22

December 2022: Merry Christmas; and a Happy New Year!
Posted on Dec 20, 2022 in Blog Posts, Jim Randall, News, Newsletter, Uncategorized |
Dec '22

CBP PERU: Outreach with Iglesia Dulce Refugio in Jayanka.
320 children received gifts and 60 adults gave their hearts to the Lord.
May God bless you this Christmas as you celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As this year draws to a close, we pray for you as the Apostle Paul prayed for the Christians in Rome: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” (Romans 15:13).
This Christmas, we celebrate God’s goodness and your generosity. You’ve helped us to share God’s hope with countless lives this year—
and together, we’re still about to reach many more children and adults through the Christmas Blessing Project events in progress in Cambodia, India, Laos, Myanmar, Peru, and Thailand. Please pray that the Lord moves in beautiful ways in these heaven-blessed Christmas events. We’ve already seen a few hundred children and adults come to know the Lord, and many more CBP events are happening in the next week.
We will send a CBP report in our January newsletter. In the meantime, please visit our CBP website for several video updates from various CBP outreaches.

CBP CAMBODIA: Village outreach with Mercy Village. Many children came to receive a gift and hear the gospel!
As we come to the end of 2022, we reflect on the goodness and faithfulness of God that saves us and allows us to participate in His Great Commission. Together, we are God’s “fellow workers,” “Christ’s ambassadors.” We are “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you (we) may proclaim the praises of Him who called you (us) out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9).
I like how Paul puts things in perspective when writing to the Christians in Corinth. “Neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase” (1 Corinthians 3:7). This verse reminds us that God strategically places His people and shows us our part. We respond, whether by going, giving, praying, or all three, but God gives the spiritual increase and harvest. God does the impossible but allows us to be a part of it! That excites me!
As we come to the end of 2022, we reflect on the goodness and faithfulness of God that saves us and allows us to participate in His Great Commission. Together, we are God’s “fellow workers,” “Christ’s ambassadors.” We are “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you (we) may proclaim the praises of Him who called you (us) out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9).
I like how Paul puts things in perspective when writing to the Christians in Corinth. “Neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase” (1 Corinthians 3:7). This verse reminds us that God strategically places His people and shows us our part. We respond, whether by going, giving, praying, or all three, but God gives the spiritual increase and harvest. God does the impossible but allows us to be a part of it! That excites me!
As we come to the end of 2022, we reflect on the goodness and faithfulness of God that saves us and allows us to participate in His Great Commission. Together, we are God’s “fellow workers,” “Christ’s ambassadors.” We are “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you (we) may proclaim the praises of Him who called you (us) out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9).
I like how Paul puts things in perspective when writing to the Christians in Corinth. “Neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase” (1 Corinthians 3:7). This verse reminds us that God strategically places His people and shows us our part. We respond, whether by going, giving, praying, or all three, but God gives the spiritual increase and harvest. God does the impossible but allows us to be a part of it! That excites me!

CBP CAMBODIA: Village outreach with Mercy Village. Many children attended.
They all received a gift and heard the gospel too! At every Christmas outreach in Cambodia, we see adults and children give their hearts to the Lord. Praise God!
God gave us a high calling, and it’s residually resident inside each of us. The Holy Spirit gracefully reminds us of it through His Word, urges us forward by God’s grace, power, and love, and compels us to tell as many people as possible by going, sending others in our place, or both!
In closing, let’s remember that Jesus’ message of salvation truly is glorious—
a message we must shout from the rooftops and take to the streets! Or as one old Christmas carol says, “Go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere. Go, tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born. And brought us all salvation, that blessed Christmas morn.”
May the blessings of the Lord be with you this Christmas and in 2023!
Brian Weller

CBP PERU: Iglesia Dulce Refugio ministers at a public school in Pampa de Lino.
260 children received gifts, and some gave their hearts to the Lord.
Jim Randall SE Asia Mission Update
Christmas Coloring/Storybooks

Merry Christmas,
With the great success of giving away nearly 25,000 Christmas Coloring/Storybooks and Manga Christmas booklets, I look forward to the new year of 2023. Because we have run out of Thai language editions, we are giving the last two boxes of the Easter edition from last year. It has been a blessing to give a gift that most will keep because it also contains stories. I have been encouraged by the open doors and the number of churches and ministries that are doing Christmas outreaches this year. I believe it is a direct result of our many hours of prayer for Revival in Chiang Mai.
Most of the Burmese and Karen books went to the refugee camps along the Thai/Burmese border. However, some were taken to villages across the border. I would like to see weekly Sunday School-type classes beginning in these camps. The problem is finding Burmese and Karen language speakers who are willing to begin such programs. As Jesus said, “The harvest truly is plentiful but the laborers are few.” Please pray for laborers to be raised up for this ripe harvest.
God bless you and Merry Christmas. May 2023 become your very best year so far!
Jim Randall