YES, I want to touch a life this Christmas!
To sponsor a Christmas blessing, donate through the secure form below!
$5 = 1 Gift.
$10 = 2 Gifts.
$25 = 5 Gifts.
$100 = 20 Gifts.
$250 = 50 Gifts.
$500 = 100 Gifts.
$1000 = 200 Gifts.

Other Donation Options:
Donate through mail:
If you prefer, you can still send your CBP donation through the mail! Address checks to “Message Ministries and Missions, Inc.” and make sure to title it “CBP.” Address all envelopes to:
Message Ministries & Missions, Inc.
PO Box 7158
St. Petersburg, Florida 33734
Donate through text:
To donate through SMS, text “Christmas” and a dollar amount to 1-727-877-3224 (727-87-REACH).