February 2019 Update: What Does God Really Want Us to Do?
Posted on Mar 6, 2019 in Blog Posts, Brian Mark Weller, News, Newsletter, Peru, Uncategorized |

What does God really want us to do to complete His Great Commission? I’ve had to answer that question over and again as a follower of Jesus Christ and a leader of a world missions organization. Message Ministries receives constant requests to meet all kinds of needs on the mission fields of the world. Many of these requests come from what we call “reached nations” — places where the gospel has already gone and churches have already been established. Many of these needs are real, and we don’t dismiss them lightly. But we have to say “no” when we ask God, “what do you really want us to do?”
We’ve worked in Peru for many years. When we started to focus on the unreached, we had to pray for guidance regarding Peru. “Do we stop visiting Peru and cut off support for our partner ministries? Do we continue to expand there? God, what do you really want us to do?” He gave us a clear answer: “Don’t cut them off. Send one or two strategic teams every year to encourage them to make disciples and reach Peru themselves. Then invite them to reach the people in the 10/40 Window with you.” We obeyed, and now they’ve begun to raise up their own mission teams, reach their own people, and give financially towards the 10/40 Window.
We asked the question, “God what do you really want us to do?” He answered and told us to GO into all the world, and the Peruvians are now partnering with us to fulfill God’s will. Eight years ago most of our donations went towards Peruvian mission. Last year we sent two-and-a-half times more money to the 10/40 Window than we did to Peru, by God’s grace and the help of our mission partners in the USA and Peru.
I want to end by thanking those of you who regularly support this ministry! Without your help, we could not do what we do! And to our other readers — are you doing little or nothing to reach unreached people? If so, I urge you to join us — not only in prayer but action. To learn more about how to partner with us as we reach the 10/40 Window through indigenous missionaries, please click the green button directly below.
God bless you,