Global Mission Stories from Laos, Thailand and Peru
Posted on Sep 28, 2018 in Blog Posts, Laos, Laos Orphanage, News, Newsletter, Peru, Peru Give-a-Home Project, Thailand, Uncategorized |

Thank you for taking the time to read this update! We are blessed to participate in God’s Great Commission, and always excited to share what God is doing around the world. This past month we’ve seen God move in many lives around the globe. Here are just a few short stories to inspire your walk with Jesus.
In July, Pastor Carlos Herrera, one of our Peruvian partners went home to be with the Lord. Since then, his family has had to adjust to life without him. His wife, Veronica, feels called to continue the ministry they started together many years ago, and we are helping to care for her as a faithful widow in God’s family.
Thanks to you and Peruvian Pastor Gilberto, we recently built new walls and a roof for the church building that Veronica and her three children call home. The old church building was falling apart, and now her family has a very secure place to live in the back of the church property.Please pray for them. Thank you.
MM supports Somchai (back center in picture), a young Thai missionary who ministers at a Bangkok University. Only .5% of Thailand’s population are born-again Christians, so we must reach the younger generation. It’s very hard to reach people in Buddhist cultures, but Somchai has worked hard this past year to lead some of his fellow students to the Lord. MM’s partner FTS Ministries has decided to start a new church in Bangkok with these newbelievers.
Please pray for Somchai as he teaches these newdisciples about Jesus Christ and God’s Word. Please also pray for David S. and the FTS leadership team as they plant similar churches throughout the 10/40 window.
The Laos Children’s Home recently participated in a children’s camp with children from other FTS churches in Laos. It’s an extreme blessing to help reach the youngest generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ by teaching them about the love and Word of God. Please pray that God blesses these children and their leaders.
- Please Pray for JJ Weller as he assists the ministries in Peru.
- Please pray for the indigenous pastors, missionaries, leaders and ministries that we support and work with in: Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Peru, Thailand and Vietnam.
- Please continue to Pray for Jim Randall as he ministers throughout the 10/40 window. Prayer support for Jim is so very important as he ministers to many indigenous missionaries, pastors and leaders in that part of the world. Jim Randall Webpage
- Please Pray for Brian Weller as he leads Message Ministries and Missions
- Please pray for God’s provision for this years Christmas Blessing Project.