Have You Seen Our New Website?
Posted on Oct 2, 2018 in Blog Posts, News, Newsletter, Uncategorized |

First, we want to inspire serious Christians in their walk with Jesus Christ. Do you long to reach others for Christ? Are you seeking encouragement in the Christian life? Every week this website will feature new blog posts, missions stories, missionary biographies, podcasts and/or sermons to stoke the fires of Christian zeal in your heart. We will regularly feature new inspirational content through social networks, email updates and on our blog. We pray these weekly contributions will challenge you to follow Jesus and fulfill your calling in the Great Commission.
Second, we want to inform you about God’s work through Message Ministries. We have rearranged and rewritten the site to tell the stories of every MM ministry and the cultures they serve. Explore our gorgeous home page for a basic introduction to MM’s identity, mission and distinctives. Visit Where We Work to explore a world map of the nations MM ministers in. From there, click on any country to take virtual tours of every ministry we support in each nation, including write-ups, photos, and articles. We will regularly update these pages to keep them fresh and up to date. We pray that God touches your heart through the stories of our partners in God’s mission!
Third, we want to engage you in God’s Great Commission. God may call you to join arms with another ministry; but if He calls you join arms with us, we want to bless you by making it easy! Now, every informational page features easy donation options so that you can respond to God’s call without delay. Our adopt a ministry page features a full directory of MM ministries awaiting full-support (most for under $100), so you can easily find a missions story to join. And Join Arms presents four simple ways that you can play a part in the world-evangelism mission of Message Ministries.
Overall, we pray that God uses this new website to touch your life and set you ablaze for God’s worldwide mission. The world is lost in sin, but Jesus Christ came to Earth, died and rose again to pay for our sins that we might be forgiven and received into God’s family! Let’s work together to preach this everlasting gospel to every nation, tribe and tongue. We only have one life to fulfill the call.
Till the Whole World Hears,
The staff of Message Ministries and Missions Inc.