Aug '20
Helping the Poor in the Sandy Slum of Pachacutec, Peru
Aug '20
Pachacutec is one of the largest and poorest slums in Lima, Peru. Makeshift homes scale its sandy dunes from sea-level to hilltop, housing thousands of impoverished families. Here, many live on daily earnings, eat meager meals, and see no way out. Tragically, the coronavirus pandemic has only worsened conditions.
Message Ministries has spent two decades sharing God’s hope with Pachacutec’s needy souls through native missionaries. Our partners haven’t had freedom to hold church meetings due to COVID-19 restrictions, but that hasn’t stopped them from sharing God’s hope with those who need it most. Compelled by God’s love, our partners continue visiting house to house to give good news and relief supplies (Share God’s Hope Food Packs) in Jesus’ name. Below we’ve provided photos of their recent relief work.
Doris, Cristo es el Camino Church
Doris serves in the higher dunes of Pachacutec among some of its most impoverished children. She recently visited church members to give Share God’s Hope Food Packs. Please take a moment to pray for Doris and her team as they SHARE GOD’S HOPE. To adopt this ministry, click here.
David and Susan Mego, Casa de Dios Church
David and Susan Mego lead Casa de Dios Church in Pachacutec. Recently they visited the children to hand out discipleship materials and food supplies. Please take a few moments to pray for Pastor David, Susan, these dear children and families, and others like them isolated in their homes without school. Thank you, and God bless you! To adopt this ministry, click here.
Would you like to support God’s work in Peru? Please consider supporting or adopting one of our discipleship feeding centers. During the pandemic, your donation will help our partners provide practical needs for Peru’s needy souls. To see a directory of our feeding centers, click here.