Sep '20

How You Can Reach India’s Masses Through Internet Outreach
Posted on Sep 8, 2020 in Blog Posts, Brian Mark Weller, India, News, Newsletter, Uncategorized |
Sep '20

by Brian Mark Weller
Did you know that India is the most vast spiritual harvest field in the world? Hundreds of millions of Indians have never heard the gospel—more than any other country. We want to do all within our power to reach these unreached masses with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Right now, we support five indigenous Indian pastors with LHM India, and we hope to expand in the future. We also support the Mercy Children’s Home, slum school, and sponsor COVID relief outreaches when possible. Still, we felt we could do more to reach the Indian people.

As we prayed for direction, the Lord led us to reach out to India’s 130 million English speakers. Did you know that India has the second-largest English speaking population in the world? According to the 2011 census, the number one language in India is Hindi (57%), and the number two language is English at 11% and 130 million people. 99.8% of them speak English as a second language, which verifies that they are mostly native Indians. And most of them are looking to their phone screens for answers in this crazy season. We began to think—wouldn’t it be wonderful to put the good news of salvation on those screens? It’s so easy to reach these unreached millions through social media!
Reaching Thousands Online
Our first step was to initiate some evangelistic ads from our Facebook page. We chose to begin with some $10 and $20 advertisements of JJ’s phenomenal outreach book and video, The Cure for Death.
As you may know, we commissioned JJ at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis to write a short outreach book. This book needed to clearly and accurately share the gospel with those who were looking for hope amid the pandemic. We released the digital book, audiobook, and videobook for free on our website, social media, and YouTube channel. After our ads, thousands of Indians have already watched the video—by looking at the Facebook view count, perhaps even tens of thousands!
Our prayer is that Indian unbelievers will continue to read, listen or watch, and that Indian Christians will use it to evangelize the lost and disciple new believers. I believe God can lead many to the Lord through this digital ministry.

Going forward, we want to reach English speaking Indians state-by-state with this evangelistic book and other ministry materials. The people of India are incredibly hungry for hope and answers about life, death, and eternity. We witnessed the same on an ad for my new song Upside Down World, which was written and recorded during this pandemic. After one day, it already had thousands of views from India!
The world has changed so much recently. Darkness is streaming in like a flood. In view of this, God is calling us live as the light of the world, offering God’s hope to all who will hear—especially in unreached places like India! Through the church, God is raising a standard against the enemy’s flood of darkness, fear, and captivity. He is calling us to become a part of that standard. I believe you agree that we must move quickly with the leading of the Holy Spirit.
How You Can Reach
Thousands of Indians
Until now, we’ve executed smaller ad campaigns, but we believe it’s time to up the ante and reach more people while we can. We want to offer you an opportunity to reach India’s English speakers through online outreach. For $25, you can reach 40,000-120,000 English-speaking Indians with the The Cure for Death full-length video or its trailer (that’s 10,000-30,000 people a day for four days). We’ve been paying for internet outreach from our general budget, but we believe it’s time to offer everyone the opportunity to personally reach Indians for Christ. Together we can make a profound difference.
Please pray that these social media outreaches will accomplish all that God wants. Pray for digital divine appointments—that India’s unreached souls would see the ad and encounter Jesus through The Cure for Death. Your prayers will make a big difference! Thank you!

In closing, we want to thank those who have faithfully given and sent special offerings through this crisis. We honestly could not do what we do in China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Peru, and Thailand without your love and support. Together, with you, we give all glory to God, for He alone is worthy of praise and honor! Amen!
Would you like to SHARE GOD’S HOPE with English-speaking Indians through our web outreach? Click the green button below to donate! Thank you.
Click Below to Listen to Upside Down World
Do you know what area these pastors are working/ministering?
We have received several requests from a pastor named Nanibabu Gandham in southeastern India in Andra Pradesh State and a small village called East Goavari Village Peddanapalli. Is this familiar to them?