Feb '24

January 2024: Thanking God for the Harvest of 2023
Posted on Feb 5, 2024 in Blog Posts, News, Newsletter, Uncategorized |
Feb '24

Happy New Year! We want to take a moment to praise the Lord for exceeding our expectations for 2023. Just think—last year, God doubled our ministry outreach without increasing our operational expenses at all! This could never have happened without your partnership; thanks for working with us to reach tens of thousands worldwide! Let’s praise and thank God together—He alone gave us the opportunity to make such an eternal impact!
How You Shared God’s Hope in 2023

We’re thrilled to report that thousands received Jesus in 2023 through the influence of our native partners in Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Peru, and Thailand. Moreover, by God’s grace and your help, we
- provided monthly support to forty-four native ministries;
- distributed about two tons of essential goods—and the gospel of Jesus!—to Myanmar’s war-torn villages;
- distributed Christmas gifts to thousands of children and welcomed over 1,000 souls into God’s family through forty-nine CBP outreaches in nine countries;
- helped evangelize tens of thousands of children through Jim Randall’s children’s outreach project, Kids of Destiny;
- helped plant over fifteen new churches in unreached villages in Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar;
- distributed thousands of evangelistic and discipleship materials in three languages;
- constructed seven prefab homes for low-income Peruvian families;
- provided gospel resources on YouTube translated into myriad languages;
- and so much more!
Your Impact in 2023 by the Numbers

Let’s take a moment to look at the numbers. By your generosity, Message Ministries forwarded almost half-a-million dollars ($406,671) to the foreign fields in 2023—mostly to the unreached in the 10/40 Window. To be specific, in 2023, our generous donors sent:
- $131,104 to our native ministries,
- $88,320 towards outreaches, events, and one partner’s discipleship center in the 10/40 Window,
- $62,560 towards children’s ministries and feeding centers,
- $55,133 towards evangelism, discipleship, training, and materials,
- $18,268 towards Christmas Blessing Project outreaches,
- $17,245 to the Indian orphanage and Laos children’s home,
- $16,356 towards emergency relief outreaches (in Myanmar and elsewhere), and
- $9,661 towards prefab homes in Peru!
We thank you for your partnership—and we praise God for His faithfulness! We begin 2024 supporting forty-six ministries in nine countries—and we trust God to expand those opportunities even more by 2025.
Obeying God’s Call in 2024

We at Message Ministries are committed to fulfilling Jesus’s crucial command: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to ALL creation” (Mark 16:15). These words motivate me each day. Jesus calls His church to reach Earth’s 3.4 billion unreached souls, including the 2.1 billion living in frontier people groups [where less than 0.1% profess faith in Jesus]. Much work remains to fulfill that task, so let’s keep working together til the work is complete. As Oswald J. Smith said, “You must go or send a substitute.” Together we can, by God’s grace, love, power, and provision!
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