July 2014 Jim Randall Update

I really appreciate your prayers for me here in this dark land. I call it dark because there are so few Thai people who have any interest in knowing about the Living God. They live in spiritual darkness completely ignorant that there is an alternative. Africa was called, “The Dark Continent” not because the people were mostly black but because of the great spiritual darkness. At this time, Asia is the “Dark Continent.” Two out of three people who have not heard the Gospel live within a thousand miles of Chiang Mai. Not only are they ignorant that they live in darkness but there are so few to bring the Light. It is so sad that 19 out of 20 Thai people you see on the streets are going to Hell when they die. They live in complete spiritual blindness.
I often ask the Lord what I’m doing here since I can’t seem to learn to speak Thai. My hearing as damaged years ago and I cannot distinguish tones in the language. However, I am having a wonderful time mentoring young, mostly Asian, missionaries who can speak the language well.
One missionary that I mentor via Skype regularly is Manoj, from Nepal working in India. Another is Matt, a young Canadian missionary working in Chiang Rai, Thailand. A new one is Robert, a Filipino missionary leader who leads a network of 50 pastors in Myanmar and Cambodia. There are several others in Malaysia and Cambodia that I have regular opportunity to advise and encourage. I meet with local missionaries here in Chiang Mai and have also picked up a couple of leaders in Africa that I correspond with as well.
Sometimes I get discouraged because I am not out doing what the younger missionaries are doing but then remember all those that I am investing in on a daily basis.
Please pray for:
- I have an invitation to go to Vietnam to mentor a leader there who is in major transition and needs help. I will probably go at the end of this month.
- I will go in August to Myanmar with Robert (above) to conduct a one week leadership school for church planters.
- I am working on several connections for missionaries to do BAM (Business As Missions) involving several types of businesses in Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar.
- Sandy Cohen is not coming until mid September but I have new connections for her with Christian business people here in Thailand, south China and Myanmar.
- I have two important BAM meetings this week. One with Josephine, a business missionary from Malaysia and with Eng, Director of Finance for OMF, who will move to Myanmar in the fall. I will introduce both to a non-Christian Thai businessman with whom God has given me favor. The purpose of BAM is to reach lost business people as well as finance missionary work. If we don’t connect with the lost business people how will we reach them.
- I have hurt my back and getting therapy but REALLY need healing. Can’t sleep well.
Blessings, Jim