June 2014 Jim Randall Update

Hello from Thailand,

Jim in Pnomh Penh, Cambodia.
The coup that took place a month ago has not affected me at all except for the earlier curfew from 10 PM to 6:00 AM. It is now midnight to 4:00 AM. Things in Chiang Mai seem normal except for the occasional soldier walking around with an M-16. Thailand has not had major problems like Myanmar and Cambodia. It is thought that when the king, age 86, dies, that there will be a major problem. The son is a playboy and the youngest daughter is affiliated with China where she lives. The oldest daughter doesn’t want any part of it and she is single and too old to have an heir. Please keep praying for the stage to be set for revival among the ethnic Thai people.
Since Sandy Cohen hurt her back at the gym, she won’t come until August. At that time, we will go to China and other surrounding countries to try to find projects she can become involved with both personally and with finances. I have some new opportunities for her in Myanmar and here in Thailand.
Since last year, I have been working with two Business As Missions people in Cambodia who have been struggling with their business as missions project in Phnom Penh. Last week, I put them in contact with a Japanese businessman here in Thailand who may be able to help develop a new product line. Sandy may be able to help them if they can adapt their project to fit her parameters. Please pray for Darin and James to get their business going and help the kids in the garbage dump in Phnom Penh.

Ministry that teaches Aquaponics to other ministries in Thailand.
I am now working with some new people here in Thailand. One is a very unusual young Thai man who has a prison ministry. I will go with him next week to do some ministry in a local prison. I will also help him develop an Aquaponics system of raising fish and growing veggies to sell. It will help create jobs for released prisoners. I have also met a Malaysian/Singaporean lady who has a business that is doing fairly well. We may be able to expand it into Cambodia. However, I am helping her develop a business plan for a large orphanage north of here. She would teach English and develop some business programs to help them become self-supporting. We will meet again next week to put together a proposal.
I enjoy being here in Thailand and especially helping missionaries succeed. I have meetings every week helping missionaries develop their ministries. There seems to be a trend toward starting businesses throughout this region to support local ministries. This is especially true in creating jobs for young Thai people who become Christians and need time to be mentored before being sent out to reach others.

Jim and Brian on bus ride to Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Thank you for praying for me and helping me financially to stay on the mission field. I actually love it here though I would like to get back occasionally to see family and friends. People ask me about retiring. I tell them that I can’t find that word or idea in the Bible. As my old friend Wayne Myers used to say, “I’m not going to RETIRE, I’m going to RE-FIRE and keep going.” I hope to die with my boots on. That is, out doing the Lord’s work when my time comes. Come join me.
Prayer Requests:
1. Closer walk with the Lord. I would like to have a personal revival with more power in my life.
2. God’s blessings on my kids and grandkids.
3. Open doors for greater ministry and projects mentioned above.
4. Continued good health.
5. All the finances I need to travel. In August, I will be gone most of the month to China, Myanmar and Cambodia doing Business As Missions.
God bless you, Jim