June – July 2016

Cross Street Peru Mission 2016 1

The Cross Street mission to Peru was full of adventure! We had a very full schedule. We ministered morning, noon and night on many days. In our two weeks in Arequipa and Lima, we ministered in 19 different places and at the Peru Youth Camp. We ministered in Christian schools, public schools, churches, youth groups, orphanages, on the streets and at a missions conference. By God’s grace and power we preached God’s Word through music, drama, Bible teaching and testimonies. We ministered to children, prayed for the sick, led people to The Lord, did eyeglass clinic outreaches and exhorted the Peruvian people to be faithful missionaries to their own country.
It was an amazing time of ministry and fellowship with the Cross Street and Corazones en Fuego teams.  The two teams worked as one to proclaim God’s Word and to serve all those we encountered through God’s divine appointments. I have to say, it is always a blessing to be in a country where people are so open to the gospel. There is such a freedom to share the gospel of Jesus in Peru.
My first visit to Arequipa in many years was wonderful.  We are excited to announce that we are establishing a Corazones en Fuego discipleship ministry there. Diana Del Carpio is ready to lead a team of Peruvian youth and young adults that are excited about reaching their region with the gospel. The CEF Team from Lima will be assisting Diana in this work. God is going to do wonderful things there! Missions has been changing in Peru since my first visit there in 1999. Now the Peruvian people are ready to take on the task of reaching their country with the gospel, and we are ready to help lead and assist with the task.
The Peru Youth Camp was full this year. We are grateful to Pastor Jose Amaya for all the hard volunteer work he put in to organize the camp. He also gave the call to missions at the camp. We had more youth respond to the call to be missionaries to their nation and beyond than ever before. Soon there will be a retreat at the Message Ministries Mission base in Marquez to help mobilize these youth and leaders. We are truly excited about that as well!
Thank you for your prayers and financial support for our ministry in Peru. On this trip, by God’s grace and with your help, we were able to lead many people to the Lord and see God’s Kingdom expanded in Peru. I also want to thank you for your prayers and financial support for our ministry in India, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, China and soon Vietnam. We are committed to taking dives of faith as we seek to fulfill God’s call to reach a lost world with the message of Jesus Christ. Together we are making a difference. Our prayer is that God will be glorified and that He draws people to Himself as we seek to be His light to the world.
Jim Randall Mission Update

Hello from rainy Chiang Mai.

We are in the rainy season which lasts from May through October. It rains a little almost every day. I carry my folding umbrella with me wherever I go these days. I even took it to Vietnam last month when I went to do leadership training for about 80 pastors. We don’t take photos to publish in newsletters and on the internet because of security reasons. Some of those attending pastor un-registered churches. We sometimes call them underground churches. I was able to pass out a “Teambuilding” booklet in Vietnamese for everyone who attended. I also sold extras at my cost for them to pass along to their leaders. The first 2000 copies are almost gone already. It has been my experience that if you pay for it, it has value. If it is free, there is not much value to it. The second book on “The Leader’s Job Description” will be sold (mostly) at my cost of about 25 cents each. The money will pay for reprinting when the first edition is gone. The government license to print it should come this month. They are also being translated into Burmese and will be printed by the end of summer. Someone is also translating them into Khmer (Cambodian) and Spanish. They are free on the internet in English and Vietnamese at: www.leadership101.asia.
If the Great Comission is true, our plans are notI have met with several missionaries and pastors this past week since I returned. I give advice on a variety of topics, mostly leadership and organizational management but also do mentoring and personal Bible Studies. I will visit a Thai church on Sunday at the request of the pastor who also does Business As Missions (BAM). He wants me to meet the Japanese non-Christian husband of a Thai leady at his church. The husband does not speak Thai or English. I hope my Japanese will come back to me. It usually does after about minutes of struggling. My brain clicks and then it’s back to remembering.
I met with a delegation from BAM Nigeria yesterday to plan for the BAM conference in Lagos in September. That’s the organization I started last August when I was there. I also spoke with an Australian friend who will bring a delegation from the BAM conference in South Africa. I learned that the Vice President of Nigeria is a Christian and a member of the church pastored by one of the men I met with yesterday. He will try to get him to visit the conference.
I am writing some new booklets but it is slow going. I can’t seem to get myself motivated to finish them. Some of the booklets are Bible teaching subjects and not leadership or management related. I see the need for short single subject booklets that are inexpensive to print. As I mention writing them, others encourage me to do so. Please pray that I can get motivated to finish the ones I have already started.

Thanks for praying for me and supporting the work I am doing. If you would like to help pay for the translation and printing cost of booklets, please send donations to Message Ministries and mark it for publishing ministry. Otherwise, donations will be used for travel costs and living expense. So far this year, I have been to Cambodia three times, Vietnam twice, Myanmar, Laos and Singapore once. I have also traveled several times to the north and western borders of Thailand twice. I love to travel but it is really tiring. It’s not because I will be 70 years old in a few months but because it is just tiring.

Thanks for praying for me. I love what I am doing and would rather be here doing what I’m doing than anywhere else on earth. If you would like to help me by praying and finances, please feel free to do so.

God bless you,

Cambodia Banner
Every month by God’s grace and power and through the gifts of our donors, we get to do a lot of different things in a lot of different places 
One of those little things last month was providing funds for a roof on the shelter that houses the fresh water tank for the people in the Steung Meanchey garbage dump community in Pnomh Penh, Cambodia.
Please continue to pray for James Sann as he ministers in this very poor community. Message Ministries supports him on a regular basis for his outreach in this community.