March 2017 – Peru Flood Relief
Posted on Mar 25, 2017 in Emergency Relief, News, Newsletter, Peru, Peru Emergency Relief | Tags: 10/40 window, Asia Missions, discipleship, evangelism, fishers of men, great commission, Indigenous missions, Jim Randall, Message Ministries, messageministries and missions, Peru Flood Relief, Peru Mudslides, Peru Relief Work, southeast asia, unreached people groups, upg's

Floods and mud slides are devastating entire regions in Peru, killing many and destroying many homes. The estimates are that so far approximately 100,000 homes have been destroyed, over 100 bridges have been washed out, many roads are now inoperable and impassable, and many lives have been lost. In some areas there is little or no food or water available and the situation gets worse by the day as the rains continue to fall.
If you are like me, you cannot stand by and watch these dear people suffer without doing something to help. Many of these people are our brothers and sisters in Christ. We have been ministering in Peru since 1999, so it is painful to watch this happen in a country that has been like a second home to us.
We are sending 100% of the designated funds we receive to the indigenous pastors and leaders we work with in Peru. These leaders are also the leaders of Message Ministries and Missions – Peru, and they can be trusted. As I write this, they are collecting help from their local congregations and purchasing relief items in Lima to bring to those in need. They are and will be working with other pastors and leaders in the devastated areas to help those in need. We have already sent all of the donations we have received so far from our online donors. We will be sending more in a few days as the donations come in.
Message Ministries will be on the front lines providing material needs and preaching the everlasting gospel to the victims. Cort Bennett – one of our mission ambassadors – and I will be going to Peru on April 7th to help with the relief and to formulate a long-term plan to help those God has connected us with in different areas of Peru. One area we’re already working in is Paita, Peru where 600 people were left totally homeless and thousands more were affected. In Paita, we are working with Pastor Martin, who graduated from the Hearts on Fire/Pacto de Vida Bible School many years ago. Pastor Fabian and Pastor Everth are helping him as well.
We have learned over the years that when a tragedy like this strikes, there are so many needs everywhere that we must focus on working with those we are relationally connected to. This way, we know the money that’s given will go where it is needed, helping people in practical ways, but also knowing they will hear the message of hope found in Jesus Christ. People need the hope that only God can give in times like this. Please go to the flood relief page on this website to see pictures of the work we are doing together. We will be posting them there as they come in on
Will you help us to serve the nation of Peru in its greatest hour of need? Any donation helps, regardless of how small it is. It all adds up and helps people to receive help in the name of the Lord Jesus. If you haven’t done so already, please watch our HELP PERU video on the top of this page..
Special thanks to our regular monthly donors for your ongoing faithfulness in giving towards our regular mission commitments around the world. Thank you to those who have already helped with the Peru Flood Relief Project, and thank you in advance to those who choose to help now. God bless you!
In His Service, Brian Weller

Thank you for praying for me. I have been in Australia almost a month and will leave next week for Thailand.
My impressions of Australia is that it is more of a lost country than Darkest America. There are some WONDERFUL Christians and great churches in this part of the country, like other areas. However, no one is really reaching out to the lost and the church seems to be in seclusion. There is no Christian book shop here in a city of 190,000 and the general population is VERY worldly but nice. I have met lots of people and almost none of the couples I have met outside the church are married. I don’t ask, it just comes out in conversation. They just move about from partner to partner.
The focus on missions from the YWAM Base is Papua New Guinea. They have one medical ship that stays there most of the time and they just received a new ship that arrived just yesterday. About a hundred or so of us went out to the harbor to greet it as it arrived. It will be used in the Solomon Islands to do medical, relief and carry evangelism teams for reaching unreached areas.
I have been helping with BAM TSV (Business As Missions, Townsville). We will have a conference in mid July to begin training BAM practitioners to reach into PNG and the thousands of islands throughout the South Pacific. There are many unreached peoples in these areas as well as Muslims in the Indonesian islands that have never heard the Gospel.
God Loves me and the people here have a wonderful plan for my life here in Townsville. It is soooo expensive here compared to Asia. I may continue to live in Asia and just travel back and forth to help them get going. I will probably travel to PNG on my next trip to see opportunities there. The need and the opportunity seem great there. The Prime Minister is coming to the YWAM base here next week on the inaugural flight of the PNG Airline to Townsville, the closest city to PNG. The YWAM Base will host a breakfast for him and a number of his cabinet and other government officials to kick off his tour of Australia. His government gives YWAM all the free fuel they can use for their ships and cars here and in PNG. They are a grateful nation and say it with more than words. If you would like to see a short video just go to .
- Please pray for my future involvement here in Australia and the South Pacific Islands.
- Please Pray for an increase in my finances if I am to be involved through YWAM here in Australia. They have great needs for their radio station and other ministries operating through here. I have the expertise and experience to help but need to know if it is God’s will.
- Summer camps in Thailand and Cambodia as well as Vietnam Ministries (I have been asked to come meet some missionaries in June from the US who have some large works in Vietnam. They want to do some BAM ministry. I need to know if I should go meet with them.
- In April we start BAM training via Skype video for entrepreneurs in Nigeria in preparation for the BAM Nigeria conference in October. I have been invited to go to BAM S. Africa in early October.