Mar '21

March 2021: Disaster in Myanmar; Discipleship in Cambodia
Posted on Mar 30, 2021 in Blog Posts, Burma, Cambodia, News, Newsletter, Special Projects |
Mar '21

As most of you know, we at Message Ministries and Missions share a big heart for youth. We feel especially compelled to reach out to young people in predominantly unreached nations.
With that considered, we want to give you an awesome praise report. God has just opened a door for us to sponsor a Cambodian youth camp from June 18th to 20th* with our dear friend Rin of Mercy Village in Phnom Penh!
At this camp, Rin plans to take about fifty youth on an adventure near the salt mines of Kampot, where he’ll teach on our calling as “the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13).
This camp will prove a truly unique experience for these teens, who live in extreme poverty near the garbage dumps of Phnom Penh. We expect that God will use it to transform their lives, and eventually touch the whole nation of Cambodia.
When Rin told me about the camp, I asked for his budget, and he sent it to me along with the camp schedule. Now I’m asking for your help. Would you consider sponsoring one or more campers?
Here’s your opportunity.
You can sponsor a youth’s transportation, lodging, food, t-shirt, and other camp expenses for only $75*. We need a total of $3000 to fully fund this life-changing discipleship camp.
Your generosity will strengthen young Cambodian disciples—and through them, will help reach unreached Cambodia.
To donate now:
- Visit our donate page and choose “Asia Youth Camps” from the drop-down menu OR
- Text SEASIACAMPS and a dollar amount to 727-87REACH.
- Or send a check to Message Ministries, PO Box 7158, St. Petersburg, Florida 33734-7158.
Thank you in advance for your help—whether you
sponsor a youth, sponsor multiple youths,
or partially sponsor. God bless you!
*Dates changed from April to June due to COVID-19 restrictions. Price per camper changed from $60 to $75 due to rescheduling and other unforeseen factors.

As most of you already know, Myanmar is being rocked by a military coup. Armed forces removed every government official seen as a threat, causing eruptions of violence across the country. As a result, life has become extremely difficult for the people of Myanmar—especially for its’ Christian ministers. Our native partners also now face grave danger.
We’re especially concerned for Evangelist P. and his family. The military has attacked their area, taking many lives. P’s trying to help the bereaved families by giving God’s word and relief supplies—but this crisis has completely exhausted his neighbors. Life already seemed near-impossible because of COVID-19 lockdowns. Many were already out of work and hardly getting by. Now, to many of them, life seems utterly impossible. That’s why we’re honestly and humbly presenting the need and asking you to share God’s hope.
For now, Evangelist P. can only communicate over WiFi because the military has cut access to phone networks (we pray that internet access remains available in the coming weeks). In his recent update, he sent startling news in broken English. “Yesterday the army shoot my place,” he wrote. “Today also shooting our place.” The army has attacked P’s home, where he lives with his wife, two children, and likely a few others. The military also set his neighbor’s motorcycle on fire. As you can imagine, this makes them feel afraid.

Despite many fears, P. hopes to buy extra rice and other essentials for his family and the community they serve. We want to help him meet that goal. Would you please consider helping these dear brothers and sisters in the Lord? Our Partner David of FTS Ministries can send P. any funds we collect for extra food and supplies. We hope to act quickly because we’re not sure how long P. will still have internet access.
As I read P’s message, God compelled me to do something right away. I thought, “What if me, my family, and friends were in that situation, and no one responded to help us?” To be faithful servants of Jesus, sometimes we must do more than pray. We already sent some money from our general fund. We’ve also received some donations from our Facebook prayer page, which we’ll send in the next few days. We’ll send whatever we receive through this appeal within two weeks.
Will you help us share God’s hope in this practical way? Thank you in advance for your heart of compassion for our brothers and sister in Myanmar/Burma. God bless you!
To donate now:
- Visit our donate page and choose “Emergency Relief Fund” from the drop-down menu OR
- Text EMERGENCY and a dollar amount to 727-87REACH.
- Or send a check to Message Ministries, PO Box 7158, St. Petersburg, Florida 33734-7158.
Thank you in advance for your help—together, we can meet these needs. I genuinely believe more will meet Jesus Christ as Evangelist P. reaches out to share the gospel and meet practical needs.
Senders Focus of the Month – April

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