Jun '23

May 2023: A Great Harvest Despite Persecution
Posted on Jun 5, 2023 in Blog Posts, Burma, Laos, Laos Pastor K, Newsletter, Peru, Peru Give-a-Home Project, Thailand, Uncategorized |
Jun '23

Let’s take a moment to rejoice over a recent surge of baptisms among our partners in Southeast Asia. You see, baptism is a weighty decision in persecuted and unreached nations. In these regions, new Christians understand their public commitment to Christ will likely expose them to the scorn of hostile neighbors. Still, these precious souls have counted the cost of discipleship and chosen to solidify their commitment to Jesus. Please pray for these new disciples as they begin their lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ!
Myanmar: Pastor P
Pastor P. has worked hard in recent years to reach youth with the gospel, befriending and winning young people at meals, music and English lessons, and sports events. Recently, nine more young people came to the Lord simultaneously after his faithful investment in their lives. The picture above shows their recent baptism. What a giant answer to prayer!
Thailand: Isara and Joy

Our Thai partners, Isara and Joy, also recently baptized four young men who have decided to follow Jesus. This is a great reason to rejoice, as only 1% of Thailand’s 71 million inhabitants profess to believe in Jesus, while 88% profess Buddhism—and that despite plenty of missionary activity! Considering that, these four young men could profoundly impact the future of Southeast Asia!
Laos: Pastor K.

Our Laotian partner, Pastor K., also recently baptized a large group of new believers. We’ve supported K. for several years, and we’re constantly inspired by his dedication to reaching the lost, making disciples, planting churches, and training the next generation of leaders. What a joy to see the fruit of his ministry!
Once again, let’s rejoice and pray for these new disciples. May the Holy Spirit empower them as they share God’s hope!
100 Laotians Trained in Discipleship

We’re also thrilled to announce that our Laotian partner, Pastor S., recently gathered 100 believers for training on discipleship. We trust this training will leave a long-term spiritual ripple effect in persecuted Laos. By the Spirit’s power, these trainees will disciple thousands! Please pray for this group of leaders and disciple-makers as they share God’s hope.
We’ve Returned to Peru

The team will build a new home for this family from Pachacutec, Lima, Peru.
Finally, Anne and I returned to Peru on May 30th with our daughter Katie, son-in-law Mike, our three grandsons, Noah, Elijah, and Caleb, and a university student, Aly Prater. For our first few days, we visited Pachacutec to build a prefab home for a single mother of four children. Then we served at three children’s ministries, a one-night marriage conference, a youth service, a baptism event, and other ministry meetings. After the team leaves, I’ll stay an extra week to visit our leaders and minister in some of their churches. Please pray for us as we share God’s hope with the people of Peru. May our time in Peru be God-blessed and fruitful! Thanks so much for your prayers.
We want to thank our partners for your crucial prayers and support! Interested in sharing God’s hope through MM? Please click the green button below to discover four ways to join arms with us in God’s Great Commission.