Jun '24

May 2024: God’s Using You to Transform Lives in the 10/40 Window
Posted on Jun 3, 2024 in Blog Posts, Cambodia, News, Newsletter, Thailand, Uncategorized |
Jun '24

We praise God for another month of incredible opportunities to share God’s hope. With your help, our partners are touching countless lives and making ripples in eternity. In this letter, we want to share just two ways God has used you to reap a powerful harvest.
Three Powerful Retreats in Unreached Thailand

First, we want to share about three life-changing retreats you sponsored in Chiang Rai, Thailand, with David S.
The first camp aimed to strengthen the spiritual foundation of Chiang Rai’s child disciples. David S. gathered thirty-two kids at their rented ministry facility to play, enjoy Bible teaching and activities, and prepare a special parent outreach. Before returning home, the kids invited their parents to enjoy a presentation of Christian music and dances. As a result, these child disciples grew closer to God and nearer to each other, and even won some of their parents to Jesus!
The second camp gathered fifteen youth aged 10-14 for dynamic teaching and fellowship at a retreat center. David, his wife, and another leader primarily focused on relational ministry—spending time with these young believers and answering their questions about following Jesus. They opened their hearts, shared their struggles and victories, encouraged one another, and left refreshed and revived!Many of these youth recently turned to Jesus from Buddhism, and the Holy Spirit used this camp powerfully to ignite them for truth. Praise God for the impact of this retreat!

The third camp gathered fifteen youth aged 15-20 to prepare them for mature Christian adulthood. These young believers spent hours discussing God’s Word at meals and meetings. Leaders also hosted male and female breakout groups for more sensitive discipleship conversations. Many of these youth recently turned to Jesus from Buddhism, and the Holy Spirit used this camp powerfully to ignite them for truth. Praise God for the impact of this retreat!
Thank you for sponsoring these powerful camps. Please pray the youth persevere in faith and win their families to the Lord. Only 1% of Thailand professes faith in Jesus.
A Missionary Movement in Unreached Cambodia

Next, a powerful update from Cambodia. With your help, our partners at Mercy Village (MVC) are launching a missionary movement in their church! They’ve commissioned several short-term missionaries in recent months, and have planned more this summer. Among the new missionaries are Rotana, his wife, Phalla, and their child, Hero.
Rotana and Phalla have spent all May sharing God’s hope in their hometown of Veal Prov Village. The picture above demonstrates how God is using them to win and disciple children, youth, and adults in this rural community.
With your support, we plan to help MVC launch several more leaders to their hometowns this summer. We also sent $900 to wall a new church plant in Prey Veng, another MVC mission hub. The congregation was already gathering in a sturdy roofed structure—but it had no walls! Thanks to Frontline in Weeki Wachee, Florida, for finishing the job!
Please take a few moments to pray for Rotana’s family as they preach God’s good news in their hometown. Thanks for helping them reach the unreached!
Brian’s Latest Video: How Many Die Each Day Without Hearing the Gospel?
Thanks for Your Prayers and Support

Finally, we want to thank you for helping our partners share God’s hope. God has used your generosity to transform villages, train leaders, strengthen disciples, provide for the needy, and transform thousands of lives. We truly couldn’t reach them without you.
Interested in sharing God’s hope through MM? Please click the green button below to discover four ways to join arms with us in God’s Great Commission.