- “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” Matt 28:19
- “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14
- “He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Luke 10:2
- “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” Mark 16:15

Disturbing Statistics About the Church in the USA
- 85% Of all Funding Goes Towards Internal Operations
- 50% to pay the salary of pastors and church staff.
- 22% to pay for upkeep and expansion of buildings.
- 13% for church expenses such as electricity and supplies.
- 15% Outreach includes 3% for local missions.
- 2% for overseas missions (both evangelistic and charitable) In the end, if you only give to your local church, odds are that only 2% of 2.58%, or 0.05% of your income is going towards “preaching the gospel to every nation” and helping the “poorest of the poor” combined. To put that in perspective, if you make $50,000 a year, that is only $25.80 per year.
American Christians spend 95% of offerings on home-based ministry, 4.5% on cross-cultural efforts in already reached people groups, and .5% to reach the unreached. (The Traveling Team)
World-Wide Population
- 7.56 billion (August 2018 est.)
- Median age – total: 29.7 years
- Life expectancy – total population: 68 years
- China: 1,355
- India: 1,236
- United States: 318
- Indonesia: 253
- Brazil: 202
- Pakistan: 196
- Nigeria: 177
- Bangladesh: 166
- Russia: 142
- Japan: 127
Money and Missions
- That’s also how much we spend in America on Christmas.
Given to Missions: $45 billion
- That’s only 6.4% of the money given to Christian causes of any kind (2015). [1] *5.6% reported in 2010, GAC [2]
- That’s also how much we spend in America on dieting programs.
- Embezzled: If you are doing the math and realize there is $50 billion missing, this is where it went. [1]
How Christian Giving is Used
- Pastoral ministries of local churches (mostly in Christian nations): $677 billion (96.8%) [2]
- “Home Missions” in same Christian nations: $20.3 billion (2.9%) [2]
- Going to Unevangelized Non-Christian world: $2.1 billion (.3%) [2] *This is different than “Unreached”
- Money that goes toward Unreached Peoples: *Estimated $450 million [3]
[3] *In 2001 only 1% of giving to “Missions” went to unreached – if that trend holds true today it would be $450 million. The estimated $450 million going toward UPG’s is only .001% of the $42 trillion Income of Christians. For every $100,000 that Christians make, they give $1 to the unreached.
- Evangelical Christians could provide all of the funds needed to plant a church in each of the 6,900 unreached people groups with only 0.03% of their income.
- The Church has roughly 3,000 times the financial resources and 9,000 times the manpower needed to finish the Great Commission.
- If every evangelical gave 10% of their income to missions we could easily support 2 million new missionaries.
Unreached People Groups:
- Total People Groups: 16,591
- Less than 2% Evangelical Christian.
- Total Unreached People Groups: 6,741
- Total Population of UPGs: 3.14 billion people
- Total Percentage of world: UPG’s make up 42.2% of world population
- Greater than 2% Evangelical Christian but still great numbers of unsaved.
- Total Unevangelized People Groups: 2,792
- Total Population: 764 million
- Total Percentage of world: the unevangelized make up 11% of world population
- Greater than 2% Evangelical Christian or majority Christian Population
- Total Reached People Groups: 7,058
- Total Population: 3.5 billion
- Total Percentage of world: the reached population makes up 42% of world population
Christians of The World:
Christians number 2.2 Billion worldwide (all Catholic, Protestant, etc.,) within 6,876 total people groups compromising 28.6% of the world population.
Evangelical Christians total 550 million (Operation World 2015). Evangelicals have grown from only 3 million in AD 1500, to 550 million worldwide, with 54% being Non-Whites. In ministries, there are 4.19 million full-time Christian workers and 95% are working within the Christian world. [original source, Frontier Harvest Ministries, 2007] There are 900 churches for every one unreached people group. (USCWM, Mission Frontiers, 2001)
Missionaries and Workers:
- All Missionaries in the World (Catholic, Protestant, etc.): 400,000 foreign missionaries [1]
- Missionaries in the Reached World: 309,315 foreign missionaries (77.3%) [2]
- Missionaries in the Unevangelized: 77,610 foreign missionaries (19.4%) [2]
- Missionaries in the Unreached: 13,315 foreign missionaries (3.3%) [2]
- Full time Christian Workers in the World: 5.5 million workers
- Christian workers in the Reached World: 4.19 million local workers (75.9%)
- Christian workers in the Unevangelized: 1.3 million local workers (23.7%)
- Christian workers in the Unreached: 20,500 local workers (0.37%)
- Tribals – 714,108,000 population with 11,900 Missionaries: 1 for every 60,000
- Hindus – 984,532,000 population with 5,500 Missionaries: 1 for every 179,000
- Unreligious – 831,267,000 population with 11,700 Missionaries: 1 for every 71,000
- Muslims – 1,703,146,000 population with 4,200 Missionaries: 1 for every 405,500
- Buddhists – 520,002,000 population with 2,000 Missionaries: 1 for every 260,000
[…] offering goes to help our neighbors and beyond? Not as much as one might think. Statistics from messagemissions.com startled […]