Mar '20

New Year, New Partnerships: February 2020 Mission Update by Brian Weller
Posted on Mar 9, 2020 in Blog Posts, Brian Mark Weller, India, Laos, News, Newsletter, Uncategorized |
Mar '20

Hello friends! I pray the Lord is blessing you as you seek to follow and love him with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength. With a new year comes new opportunities. We can’t wait to embrace the opportunities 2020 brings.
In late January, we completed our 18-month commitment to support five Cambodian church planters. We wanted to help establish village churches—and with your support, we fulfilled the goal! We’re thrilled to report that the village churches are thriving. Jim Randall is in Cambodia now visiting those leaders. We look forward to receiving his report when he returns to his home base in Thailand.
We’ve completed our commitment in Cambodia — but we don’t want to decrease our efforts in the 10/40 Window. After much prayer for direction, we believe the Holy Spirit has given us fresh leading. So far, we’ve chosen to support three new indigenous missionaries: one in Laos and two in India. We will decide on three more partnerships in the next few months.
We’ve supported LHM India’s slum school and children’s home for years. We now feel compelled by the Holy Spirit to get behind LHM’s evangelists to unreached villages. Almost one-third of the world’s unreached live in India. We want to play a role in God’s Great Commission there.
We’ve also committed to provide monthly support for Laotian Pastor K___keo with FTS Ministries. FTS leader David S. told us Pastor K___keo ministers in 7 villages as an evangelist and church planter. He has five outreach assistants. He works under Pastor K___la, another MM partner. We feel honored to support laborers in unreached and hopeless Laos.
Please take a moment to pray for Pastor K___keo. Ask God to send the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and power as he shares Laos’ only hope—the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you!

We have another exciting report! We’ve decided to purchase a motorcycle for Pastor S__ee, a native Laotian church planter. He works under our partner Pastor S____ham. This picture shows Pastor S__lee’s current transportation from village to village.
As you can see, a new motorcycle will prove an enormous blessing in the furtherance of the gospel through his ministry. MM Partner David S. told us he could purchase it for just under $1,000. To our $30 a month Senders family—this month you’ve helped us provide about $300 of this need!
Deepest thanks for your prayers — and to many, for your financial support. Without you, we wouldn’t have many reports to give. I encourage you to keep up with regular reports on our website and social media.
God bless you!
Brian Weller