Nov '22

November 2022: A Thanksgiving Thank-you; Christmas Blessing Project Upcoming
Posted on Nov 29, 2022 in Blog Posts, Cambodia Christmas Blessing Project, News, Newsletter, Peru, Peru Give-a-Home Project, Uncategorized |
Nov '22

Sponsor Christmas Blessings this Giving Tuesday

It’s Giving Tuesday! On this special day, we want to invite all of our friends to touch lives through the Christmas Blessing Project. For only $5, you can send a gift and the gospel to a needy soul in the 10/40 Window or Peru. What a tremendous impact God can make with so little! To learn more or give now, read the newsletter below, then visit our new website, Christmasblessingproject.com!

This Thanksgiving season, we give thanks first to God for His faithfulness and love, then to you, our caring mission supporters. Every day you are impacting lives worldwide through your generosity! We send thanks on behalf of the thirty-three ministries we support each month. With your support, God used them to save and bless many in 2022. Our partners and their disciples are grateful for your help! God bless you, and thank you for trusting us with your mission donations and caring enough to give!
With Thanksgiving behind us, we prepare for our Christmas Blessing Project (CBP) outreaches in December. Every Christmas season, we celebrate Jesus by sending gifts and the gospel to the poor and needy worldwide. This year, by God’s grace and your help, we hope to bless over 2,000 children (and some adults, too) through CBP outreaches! The children who will receive your Christmas blessings live among the poorest families of Cambodia, Laos, Peru, India, and Myanmar. (We hope to bless some in China and Thailand as God provides.) Our partners give every gift in Jesus’s name together with the salvation message.

We can’t wait for the testimonies that will soon pour in as CBP 2022 launches. In the 10/40 Window, children often bring their parents and relatives along with them to the CBP celebrations—and as a result, whole families hear the gospel for the very first time, and many receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior! Praise God! That is what Christmas is all about. Together, we can send hope to those who need it most!
We want to thank those who have already donated to CBP. So far, we’ve received $4,560 in designated CBP donations—enough to purchase 912 five-dollar gifts! That’s a wonderful start, and we’ve already sent some funds to Peru and Cambodia. But we still need more help! We pray you’ll partner in our Christmas crusade of hope. Let’s send gifts and the gospel to the spiritually hungry around the world! www.christmasblessingproject.com
Christmas Blessing Project Locations
PERU Locations
- 40 Children – Bolognesi – Cristo es el Camino Church – Luz Benitez – $200
- 80 Children – Pachacutec – Cristo es el Camino Church – Doris Anticona – $400
- 60 Children – Sarita – Cristo es el Camino Church- Pastor Panfilo – $300
- 96 Children – Valle Verde – Cristo es el Camino Church – Pastor Julio – $480
- 40 Children – Pachacutec – Casa de Dios Church – Pastor David – $200
- 40 Children – Marquez – La Vina del Senor Church – Pastor Fabian – $200
- 42 Children – Inca Wasi – La Vina del Senor Church – Pastor Fabian – $210
- 56 Children – Pachacutec – La Vina del Senor Church – Pastor Fabian – $280
- 80 Children – Piedras Gordas – Nueva Vida Church – Pastor Dionisio – $400
- 80 Children – Costa Azul – Cristo Sanador Divino Church – Pastor Julio – $400
- 150 Children – Lomas & Naranjal – Dulce Refugio Church – Pastor Gilberto – $750
- 70 Children – Los Alpes del Peru – Dulce Refugio Church – Pastor Gilberto – $350
Peru Totals = $4,170 for 834 Gifts for Children
CAMBODIA Locations
- 100 Children – Two Villages in Kompong Province – Pastor Pou – $500
- 100 Children – Two Villages in Kompong Province – Pastor Sot – $500
- 200 Children – Mercy Village – Phnom Penh – Pastor Rin – $1,000
Cambodia Totals = $2,000 for 400 Gifts for Children
LAOS Locations – Pastor Kham__ and Pastor Khamk__
- Numg__ Village – CBP Evangelistic Outreach to Unreached Village – $375
- Numn__ Village – CBP Evangelistic Outreach to Unreached Village – $375
- Donm__ Village – CBP Evangelistic Outreach to Unreached Village – $375
- Donw__ Village – CBP Evangelistic Outreach to Unreached Village – $375
- Laos Children’s Home – $300
Laos Totals = $2,000 for 400 Gifts for Children
We have committed to helping these churches and leaders with the amounts listed above. We have already sent some CBP support to Peru and Cambodia. As God provides above and beyond our committed amounts, we will help our ministry partners in China, India, Myanmar, and Thailand. Any designated donations for those countries will be put aside and sent to them. Our goal for this year’s Christmas Blessing Project is $12,000. Please pray with us for God’s provision. Thank you!
Peru Give a Home Project Mission Update

This is what the three prefab homes we built in Peru on our October mission look like. They are three-room houses with a concrete floor and electricity.
In October, we wrote about our goal to bless three families with prefab houses in honor of Susie Gorton, Linda Stewart, and Cecelia Santillan. We’re thrilled to report that all three families are now living in those new homes! Our fantastic Peruvian and American team collaborated to construct the new homes in just five days! It was hard work—but praise God, the gratitude of those three families made the effort worthwhile. In their own way, each family said, “God answered our prayers.” Jaqueline, a mother of five children, now hosts a weekly Bible study meeting in her new home. She feels grateful to God and wants to share the blessing with others! Special thanks to our regular mission supporters and others who sponsored these Give-a-Home projects.

The team with Jacqueline and her family in their new prefab home.
This house was dedicated to the memory of Linda Stewart.
Jacqueline is now hosting a Bible Study in her new house!

Evelyn and her family with some of the team and The Santillan Family in their new prefab home. This house was dedicated to the memory of Cecilia Tenorio Santillan, a dear friend of Evelyn. Evelyn serves the Lord at the La Vina church, where she prepares meals for the children’s ministry. This prefab house is a tremendous blessing for her and her family!

Ana (center in a wheelchair) didn’t have a home of her own. She has been living with family members for many years. Now, by God’s grace and the generosity of His people, she has her own home. Thank you to our mission supporters who make things like this possible! Gloria a Dios!