Oct '15

October 2015
Posted on Oct 30, 2015 in Burma, Cambodia, Emergency Relief, News, Peru, Peru Give-a-Home Project, Peru Vocational Training Centers | Tags: 10/40 window, Asia Missions, christmas blessing project, corazones en fuego, evangelism, fishers of men, great commission, Indigenous missions, Jim Randall, Message Ministries, messageministries and missions, peru missions, prefab homes, southeast asia, unreached people groups, upg, upg's
Oct '15

Pastor Jayae and David S. visited the Chief of the village of Wanlon and the Chief selected the most needy families from amongst the Shan people affected by the floods. They gave them some much needed help at this terrible time and Pastor Jayae and Abel shared the gospel with the people as they gave your gifts in the name of the Lord Jesus. Thank you for your help

The team went to Chulcano where they ministered to children, gave gifts, did an eyeglass clinic outreach, an evangelistic outreach and built this prefab church! Our part was to provide the funds for the eyeglasses and for the prefab materials.
Thank you for your help!

The picture is of the new group of students who signed up to study electrical, carpentry, melamine and more at the Manos Habiles Centro Vocational. We support him and the center on a monthly basis, and are always blessed to see what God does through the training.
Please pray for Marcos Venegas and the students as the new set of classes begins.

We were blessed to have Jim Randall visit our home in Florida for a few days. Before arriving in Florida, Jim spent a month ministering in Nigeria training Christian leaders and helping them to hear the call to GO to other nations. At 69 years old Jim is still dedicated to GO, teach and train others until the Lord calls him home.
We are Jim’s missions sending agency and welcome your support on his behalf. He is back in Thailand doing what he does best – serving the Lord and training others to know God and to make Him known! Please pray for him, he truly needs our support and our prayers. Thank you!
To read Jim’s newsletter this month, please hit the link below!

Please continue to pray for us as we take steps of faith to reach into
the 10/40 window. Last week we were down to $1,300 in our ministry bank account. The Lord clearly instructed us to send $1,000 of that to the orphanage in Laos and the indigenous missionaries that we support there. His words were clear: “They need it now.” We sent it and began to trust the Lord for other needs. A few days later a check came in the mail for $3,000 from one of our donors, who was clearly hearing from the Lord. Gloria a Dios! Please pray and trust the Lord with us as we dedicate ourselves to walk by faith and not by sight to do our part in fulfilling the Great Commission!