Nov '21

October 2021: Sharing God’s Hope Worldwide | A Christmas Blessing Project Update | An Inspiring Story from Myanmar
Posted on Nov 2, 2021 in News, Newsletter, Uncategorized |
Nov '21

By Brian Mark Weller
God bless you! I pray this newsletter finds you resting in the comfort of God’s love and grace! We live in difficult times, and much has changed worldwide in the last eighteen months. Many have faced tremendous hardships, including the loss of loved ones to sickness. If that’s you, we’re asking God to bring hope and healing to your heart. He is the God of all hope, and we all need Him desperately!
Despite many heartbreaking and negative things going on around us, God’s positive, life-changing work of grace continues—and it seems more important than ever before! We feel incredibly grateful for our faithful indigenous partners; they’ve not thrown in the towel—they know God’s call is never canceled! They continue their ambassadorial service to Jesus Christ, knowing they’re part of the standard God raises up to withstand Satan’s flood of darkness (see Isaiah 59:19). They know God calls them to shine as the light of the world. They cherish God’s sacred call to share the gospel message of hope—especially to the unreached. And every day they labor as faithful evangelists and disciplers in communities around the world—both reached and unreached.

With your help, we’re honored to send monthly support to indigenous ministries in Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand. What a privilege to support the Great Commission in the darkest corners of the 10/40 Window! We’re also honored to send monthly support to eight children’s ministries in Peru. Thank you for your prayers and financial support—we couldn’t do this without you!
Please continue to pray that God would provide every need for this ministry and our dedicated missionary partners worldwide. Pray especially for LHM Ministries of India; they’re experiencing great hardships and persecution. Also, pray for our MM staff, our indigenous ministry partners, and for Jim Randall in Southeast Asia. Your prayers make a big difference! You’re not just praying to the ceiling; you’re heard by our Father in Heaven—the King of Glory—the God of all Creation! In turn, He answers to ”meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19) Amen!
Christmas Blessing Project Update

Last month, we wrote to you about this year’s Christmas Blessing Project (CBP) outreaches. Here’s an amazing report—we’ve already received $2,500 of the $10,000 we need! We want to praise God for His provision, and thank all who have given!
Still, we have quite a way to go before we meet our CBP pledges—and November will be critical to our goal. As you know, prices are rising worldwide, and we want to send CBP funds early so our partners can prepare the outreaches more affordably. To do this, we’ll start sending what we receive in the next couple of weeks. With that in mind—please consider sponsoring a gift or outreach soon!
Some of our ministry partners will conduct their outreaches earlier in December, and others later in the month. We’ll keep you updated on our Facebook prayer page. We encourage you to follow us there to stay informed about CBP 2021!
To learn more or donate now, click the appropriate button below.
You can also donate by texting a dollar amount and the word CHRISTMAS
to 727-87REACH (727-877-3224)
Myanmar – Answer to Prayer for Burmese Family!

Often we in the USA take much for granted. We rarely thank the Lord for basic provisions like medical care, the roof over our heads, or the walls that protect us from the elements. What gifts these truly are!
A couple of months ago, we shared a need in our Facebook prayer group—in Myanmar, a sick elderly woman was living in a shack with a leaky roof and a missing wall. Evangelist P’s pictures showed her lying ill on the floor with water underneath her shack from recent rains. After reading our report, Pastor John Saginario of Frontline Evangelistic Outreach wrote pledging to meet the need. This wonderful little church from Weeki Wachee, Florida came through for that needy woman! Praise God!
We sent the funds to Myanmar, and Evangelist P. bought materials and reconstructed the little shack. He built a new raised floor, a roof, and walls with the help of neighborhood volunteers. This upgraded home would still look like poverty to us living in the USA—but to this woman, it was a tremendous blessing. Honestly, most of us have no concept of poverty compared to the third-world.
This dear Burmese woman, her daughter, and two grandchildren have a tiny lot of land in a very impoverished area. Their shack was falling apart—so you can imagine how grateful they felt to enjoy a new, sturdy roof over their heads, a raised solid floor to step on, and new walls to keep the rain out. In addition to this, we sent funds to help with her medical expenses and other family needs. Most importantly, Evangelist P. shared the gospel of Jesus Christ to this family. The gospel is always first and foremost in our labors. Would you please pray that this dear woman and her family would truly meet Jesus Christ? Thank you!
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