Oct '23

October 2023: Praying for Harvest & Protection in India
Posted on Oct 31, 2023 in Blog Posts, India, Invasion of Light Podcast, News, Newsletter, Uncategorized |
Oct '23

India is the most populous and unreached nation on earth. Did you know that India’s unreached population exceeds the entire population of the United States? And that only 2.3% of India’s 1.4 billion inhabitants profess faith in Jesus? Tragically, most of India is Hindu (80%) or Muslim (13.7%), with the exception of a few Christian-majority hotspots like East India near Myanmar. You can see how much the Indian church needs our prayers!

That’s why we’re so grateful to partner with LHM India year-round by God’s grace and your help. Together, we’re sharing God’s hope with India’s unreached masses by supporting five native pastors, an orphanage, and a school for impoverished children. Below, we’ve included a list of these faithful ministries. We ask you to display it in your prayer closet and intercede for them regularly. Su- and his pastors labor in one of Earth’s most dark and challenging harvest fields, and it deeply encourages them to know we stand with them—not only financially but in the arena of prayer—by asking God to bless them and save India’s lost millions.

Please Pray for:
Pastor D.
Pastor A.
Pastor A.
Pastor Dh.
Pastor Dr.
Pastor G.
M. Orphanage and Children’s Home
LH Slum School
Pastor Dr.
Pastor G.
M. Orphanage and Children’s Home
LH Slum School
Urgent Prayer Request:
Threats in India

We especially request your prayers for Pastors D. and A. They live with their families in a dangerous region where Christians are suffering increased persecution. Recently, D. received severe threats against himself, his family, and his flock. Below is a message I received from Su- requesting prayer.
“Hello, Pastor Brian. When you get a chance, please intercede for us! Pastor A., Pastor D., and both their families are under increased threats of lawsuits for holding regular prayer meetings in their rental apartments. They need resources to find their own church halls. They have a growing flock and that has threatened followers of the Hindu faith.
One of Pastor D.’s neighbors has threatened to bring a large group to ‘take care’ of the Pastor, his family, and their ‘visitors.’ Please pray that the enemy is foiled and that the family will experience supernatural boldness that will drive away fear and give them the grace to endure. We fervently pray for them to have their place for the church to meet legally. Thank you, as always, from the bottom of my heart.”

I met these pastors many years ago on a visit to India. They are honest, humble, dedicated, and brave servants of the Lord. Please join us in praying for them.
To learn about or sponsor any of our Indian partners, click the green button below.
New Episodes of Invasion of Light

We’re posting new episodes of Invasion of Light Podcast every other Tuesday! Check out our two October episodes below!
“Jesus promised we can experience true revival. Christians claim they long for revival. Then why does revival still tarry? Are we waiting on God, or is God waiting on us? The biblical answer is an oft-forgotten key to genuine revival. We’ll continue discussing the biblical answers in today’s episode of Invasion of Light Podcast.”