Fire Relief Project - Pisco, Peru

 In 2016, ravenous fires ravaged a slum in Pisco, Peru, destroying seventy homes and leaving over a hundred people homeless. Through your prayers and support, Message Ministries constructed ten homes and provided food, water and toiletries for many. Most importantly, MM conducted many evangelistic meetings to share the hope of Jesus with the hopeless fire victims. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! 
Explore our articles below to learn more!
5-4-16 – Pisco, Peru Fire Relief Update:

Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support of Message Ministries and Missions. By God’s grace and the caring hearts of those who support us we continue to move forward in faith to do what God has called us to. I want to share two specific answers to prayer from this month with you. The first was regarding the Pisco Fire Relief Project. I was a part of a small mission team that traveled to Pisco, Peru to build homes for those who lost their homes in a fire, including families from the church of Pastor Carlos and Flor. Our team consisted of five from the USA and eleven from the Lima region. Our goal was to build five homes in five days! A big goal, since we started with nothing more than a pile of materials we bought the day we arrived from Pro Mart in Pisco.Praise God we were able to accomplish that goal. Besides that, we ministered four of the five nights that we were in Pisco. Two nights we held evangelistic meetings in the area where we were building. It was a blessing to see the community come together and to see some give their hearts to the Lord. Gloria a Dios!

This trip showed us once again how great it is to have the national Christians doing much of the ministry in the countries that we work. I was extremely blessed to work along side some of our partnering Peruvian pastors of many years, including Fabian, Jose and Julio. It was also a great blessing to have some of the Corazones en Fuego young adult team with us. I was truly amazed at how much was accomplished for the blessing of the people and the glory of the Lord. Special thanks to Mike Goreski, Hector Del Carpio, Cort Bennett and Cameron Betsch who went to Peru at their own expense to help with this mission. Gracias! Gloria a Dios!!

4-19-16 – Pisco, Peru Fire Relief Update:
Our team from the USA and the team from Lima, Peru will be in Pisco, Peru joining with Pastor Carlos and Flor of the Catedral de Fe to build 5 homes for needy families. They will also be doing evangelistic services at night.  Please pray for them as they GO.
3-31-16 – Pisco, Peru Fire Relief Update:
For the last month, we have been helping the victims100 Homes Burn to the Ground Piscoof a terrible fire in Pisco, Peru that destroyed 100 homes and everything in them. This is an area we have worked in on various trips to Peru. Some of the houses that burned down are prefab homes that we built with our USA and Peruvian mission teams.
We first worked in Pisco in 2007 after a terrible earthquake destroyed much of the city, causing 70% of the homes to be uninhabitable. The area where the fire recently hit is one of the squatter villages that came into being after the earthquake, and now these dear pe
ople have lost everything once again. We are doing our best to help Pastor Carlos and Flor reach out to the people in need there!
Some of you have helped already with your prayers and donations, and we truly appreciate that. Together we were some of the first responders!Temporary Shelters in Pisco
In the initial phase we provided food, water and temporary shelter. You can see some of the temporary homes we put up just to provide some type of shelter (right). Our next phase is to provide more permanent homes for the people.
Hector Del Carpio and I met and decided that we needed to build homes that would not burn so easily if there ever was another fire. We’ve come up with a plan to build little homes using fire resistant materials like Hardie board and tin studs. The cost of each home will be $975. We hope to initially provide ten homes. Our plan is to build at least five on our April mission to Peru and then leave the materials for the other five for the Peruvian teams to build. We have funding for four homes right now and need funds for six more. Our USA team is Hector,Food and Water for Fire Relief in Pisco
Mike (My son in law), his friend Cameron and myself. We will be joined by the Corazones en Fuego (Hearts on Fire) Peruvian youth and young adult team, led by Pastor Jose Amaya. We will also be doing evangelistic services most nights in the area where we will be building.
Please pray for God to move in a wonderful way as we share His message and for the provisions needed for this mission and for the homes. Thank you!

3-9-16 – Pisco, Peru Fire Relief Update:

I just received these pictures from Pastor Carlos and Flor in Pisco. With some of the donations Message Ministries have received we are putting up these temporary shelters to help these people in crisis.

We are raising the funds now to put up some homes made of different materials that will not burn in case of fire in the future. I will share more about that in a couple days. We will be going down in late April to put up some of those buildings along with our Peruvian friends.
A few hours ago we received an urgent prayer request along with these pictures from Pastor Carlos and Flor in Pisco, Peru. A fire destroyed a community where they minister regularly in an area of Pisco, Peru. Today, 70 homes were burned to the ground along with everything in them. As you can imagine the people are devastated and God has called on Pastor Carlos and Flor and all of us to give them His hope.

This is an area where our Cross Street and the Corazones en Fuego youth teams have built prefab homes in the past. Every single home was destroyed as the fire jumped from one house to another. These hard working families were left homeless and have literally no resources for food, temporary shelter or to rebuild, and there is no insurance company to call for help. If you are like me your heart is feeling what I felt when I saw this pictures! We must do something. We cannot un-see what we have seen and we would not want to, would we?

Please help! We sent what we had in our emergency fund but will need lots more help to help these dear people, many of which we met on our visits there. 100% of your donation will go directly to meet the needs and we will post pictures here of how the funds are being distributed. Please consider making a donation of any size. Every donation will make a difference and will be given in the name of The Lord Jesus.

PS – We met Pastor Carlos and Flor after the earthquake there in 2007 where they sacrificed everything to help people in need. They are faithful servants of the Lord and and are very accountable with the funds that we have given them over the years.

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