September 2013
Posted on Sep 10, 2013 in News, Peru, Peru Vocational Training Centers | Tags: 10/40 window, Asia Missions, Brian Weller, evangelism, Feeding Center, great commission, Indigenous missions, Message Ministries, Missions, orphans, Peru, Peru Youth, prefab homes

Why do we do what we do? How could we not! We are already instructed in God’s Word to feed the poor, to proclaim the gospel, to care for the widows and orphans, and more! These are things we must do as followers of Jesus Christ, as ambassadors of His Heavenly Kingdom. Jesus set the example for us, in that He was willing to go anywhere and willing to reach everyone with the message of salvation. Remember the ten lepers? No one else wanted them; but Jesus did. He went right to them. He didn’t send for them; He was sent to them. In the same way the Father – through the power and leading of the Holy Spirit – sends us. The question is, Are we listening? Are we going? Are we walking in the divine appointments He places in our paths every single day? Some of those opportunities are right in front of us, with our families, friends, neighbors, and those at school or work. The other opportunities come to us through missionaries and mission organizations that are the feet on the ground, so to speak, in the mission world.
If you are not active in helping to fulfill God’s missionary call to reach the world, we encourage you to get active! Do something practical! Do something that makes a difference! It may not be with our mission organization; it may be with a missionary out of your church, or a friend who has left all to go. But do something, and do it soon. Don’t delay. Don’t procrastinate. Life is short, and when our lives are over we will wish we had spent our time on the things that really matter to God.
C.T. Studd once said “Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.”
Jim Randall – Giving it All in Asia
As I write this letter, Jim is in Myanmar, previously known as Burma. The population of this country is about 50 million people. 40 million are Buddhists. Myanmar has a small Christian population with a big task in front of them. Jim is working with Myanmar’s Christian leaders, training them to be more effective in reaching the people of that country, and helping them set up businesses to support their ministries. He is on the front lines of missions, doing the things that will have the longest and most far-reaching effects on the mission field.
Jim never asks us for anything; he is a man of faith and has been as long as I have known him. I was thinking this morning about his wife Paula, who went to be with the Lord many years ago. We used to sing together; we recorded an album together. She was like a big sister to me. Together, Jim and Paula inspired Anne and me to become more involved in missions.
Jim wrote this and it inspired me today. I hope it inspires you too:
“I see masses of people every day that are going to hell and don’t even know it. I once had a cartoon framed on my office wall in Japan. It showed people floating in the ocean on a block of melting ice while seated in a lawn chair enjoying the sun and a cool drink, while Christian people on shore did the same thing, ignoring the fact that those in the ocean were about to drown. God, help us to wake up and see our disobedience to what You really told us to do by taking the easy, wide road of disobedience rather than the narrow road of obedience.”
Please take the time to read more about Jim’s ministry on our website.
In His service, Brian Weller
New Vocational Training Center in Peru
In about 30 days, the second Able Hands Vocational Training Center will open in Angamos, Peru. The director of this training center is Marcos Zuniga. Marco loves the Lord and people and shows it by volunteering his time to train others in the things he’s learned! He loves training people to be better able to care for themselves and their families. He does this by teaching trades like carpentry, cabinetry, electrical, plumbing and more. As he teaches the trades, he also disciples his students to Jesus Christ. The local churches are excited about this ministry coming to their community! It will be a great outreach.
Marcos obtained the rights to this piece of property for one year for free. We’ll put up a prefab structure to operate out of. The structure can then be moved to another location when we’re finished here. The plan is to teach here for one year and then possibly move to another location. We’re excited about this opportunity. It will be life changing for many in that community. Thank you for your love and support in this and in all of our mission endeavors!