Oct '23

September 2023: Praying for Harvest in Southeast Asia
Posted on Oct 6, 2023 in Blog Posts, Brian Mark Weller, News, Newsletter, Uncategorized |
Oct '23

Thank you for your encouragement, support, and prayers. Only by God’s grace, direction, and power does this ministry continue bearing eternal fruit worldwide! We’re grateful God strategically joined us to accomplish His will in the 10/40 Window. Thank you for letting us act as the bridge between you and these faithful, hard-working, Jesus-centered missionaries!
Our Asian Partners Need Your Prayers

Below I’ve compiled a list of some of the missionaries we support monthly by God’s grace and your generosity. Will you join us in praying for these servants of God in China, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand? Please consider printing and hanging the list below in a conspicuous place as a reminder to intercede. Names censored for security purposes.
China – Pastor Ch__
Laos – Children’s Home
Laos – Pastor S__
Laos – Pastor K__
Laos – Pastor Kh__
Laos – Pastor J__
Laos – Pastor S__
Laos – Pastor K__
Laos – Pastor Kh__
Laos – Pastor J__
Myanmar – Pastor P__
Myanmar – Disciple N__
Myanmar – Pastor J__
Myanmar – Pastor A.S.
Myanmar – Pastor A.D.
Myanmar – Pastor J__
Myanmar – Disciple N__
Myanmar – Pastor J__
Myanmar – Pastor A.S.
Myanmar – Pastor A.D.
Myanmar – Pastor J__
Thailand – Pastor Isara
Thailand – Evangelist Poppy
Thailand – Youth Pastor Fon
Thailand – Evangelist Snee
Thailand – Evangelist Big (From Laos)
Thailand – Evangelist Poppy
Thailand – Youth Pastor Fon
Thailand – Evangelist Snee
Thailand – Evangelist Big (From Laos)
If you’d like a list of full names to pray over, please request one by responding to this email!
Coming Soon: The Christmas Blessing Project

Since 2007, Message Ministries has shared the true message of Christmas to hungry souls worldwide through the Christmas Blessing Project. With your help, this year we plan to send gifts and the gospel to thousands of needy souls in Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Peru, and Thailand. We can’t wait to see how God moves!
CBP outreaches are as diverse as the communities they bless. In some nations (like Cambodia and Peru), children receive a gift and the gospel at a special children’s event. Last year, you sent $7,000 to those two countries to purchase 1,400 gifts for children. Many of you saw the pictures of those smiling faces! In other nations, our partners host community outreaches with small gifts, a meal, fellowship, and a gospel presentation. You sent another $4,000 to CBP outreaches like these in India, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand, including unreached villages. Praise God, many met Jesus at those events!
Here’s how the Christmas Blessing Project works. First, compassionate believers like you send $5 or $6 to sponsor a Christmas gift in the third world. Donation is easy—follow the directions at the bottom of the letter. We’ll send you a CBP prayer card to thank you for your partnership and remind you to pray for the person(s) you sponsored.
Second, we distribute your donation to one of our native ministry partners. Once your missionary receives your donation, they’ll buy a gift according to the needs they know. Some give toys, others provide school supplies, others buy clothes and more practical items, and others focus on a Christmas feast. All offer the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ!
Finally, near Christmas, your missionary will gather their community to give your gifts, share a Christmas meal, and declare the Christmas story of salvation. As a result, the recipient of your Christmas blessing may very well receive Jesus and begin the path of discipleship—and many child disciples will be encouraged in their faith! Best of all, your missionary will disciple them year-long through friendship and corporate ministry.
We invite you to join arms with us in prayer and finances as we reach Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Peru, and Thailand with the good news of Jesus Christ. Last year, we received and sent $11,000. Our goal for this year is $15,000! Please consider sponsoring Christmas Blessings for $5 each. 100% of your donation will fund a CBP outreach!
To donate now, click the button below, text CHRISTMAS and a dollar amount to 727-87REACH, or mail your donation to Message Ministries and Missions Inc, PO Box 7158, St. Petersburg, FL 33734-7158
New Episode of Invasion of Light

We’re back at Invasion of Light Podcast after a year-long hiatus! We have six shows recorded and many more outlined. We’ll post new episodes every other Tuesday, starting this previous Tuesday, September 26. Click the video below to check out our return episode, Society’s True Problem According to the Bible.
“What’s behind the confusion and decline in modern society? Should Christians throw in the towel or take a stand for what’s good, true, and beautiful? And according to the Bible, what’s the only way to avoid societal collapse? We’ll explore the Bible’s answers in episode 9!”