Teen Demon-Possessed for 4 Years and Chained to His Bed. Then Jesus Set Him Free.

Christmas approaches, and we will soon encounter many stories about “how Santa saved Christmas.” But only one can truly save at Christmas: Jesus Christ. Here is the story of how Jesus saved a Burmese young man from years of demonic torment through the 2017 Christmas Blessing Project.
The Shan village’s royal family harbored a terrible shame in their home. A fierce demon possessed their son at age 15, and he had only grown worse since. Demonic illness, madness and rage constantly plagued him. Driven by the demon, he regularly fled home and school to escape into the jungle nearby. He often turned violent in his demonic fits.
The villagers became terrified of the young man. Possessed by the demon, he had often attacked his schoolmates, shouting threats and curses. The police tried to arrest him many times, but could not overcome his supernatural strength. His teachers finally kicked him out of school. Now, at age 19, he lived locked inside his room, chained to his bed.
The royal family sought every cure that money could buy. They brought him to all the finest mental hospitals in Burma, Thailand, and China. They purchased expensive medicines, but none calmed his demonic rage. They sought the cures of witch doctors and the blessings of Buddhist temples, but none turned the tide. The royal family began to wonder if their son would ever be free.
The 2017 Christmas Blessing Project renewed the royal family’s hopes for their beloved son. Our Burmese partner Pastor J. shared a meal with them and preached about Jesus’ power to save, heal and deliver. They resisted Pastor J. at first, fearing for their reputation. But after a while, they concluded that Jesus was their son’s last hope.
Exasperated by years of useless effort, the royal family called Pastor J. to their home to pray for their son. He prayed for the young man in the name of Jesus, and the tormenting spirit left immediately. In a matter of seconds, Jesus had delivered the young man from insanity which four years of Asia’s best cures could not heal. The young man would no longer need his chains — he was a free man!
Several days after, the young man received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Today, he’s entirely sane and entirely committed to Jesus Christ. Many in the village have tried to convince Him to reject Christ, but he always refuses. MM Partner David S. told us, “He has experienced God for himself, and has declared that he will never return to Buddhism. He would rather die than reject Christ.” The young man’s deliverance and newfound faith have opened many hearts to the gospel.
This December, The Christmas Blessing Project will offer Jesus’ salvation to people in Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Peru. Unreached Asian villagers and impoverished Peruvian children alike will receive Christmas gifts, fresh meals, and the miraculous gospel of Jesus Christ. We expect God to move powerfully through these outreaches — but we can’t do it without you. Would you like to play a part?