Jun '18

STORY: Unreached Cambodian Awed by the Simple Gospel
Jun '18

What is it like to live your whole life without once hearing the good news of God’s mercy in Jesus Christ? Millions of souls in Cambodia live in that exact spiritual darkness; but last year, God granted us to go and shine His light. One Cambodian man’s response to his first ray of gospel light granted me fresh vision of the wonder of Jesus’ work on the cross.
We held an eyeglass clinic in a village near Kandal for about 120 villagers. After receiving free new eyeglasses, the Cambodians crowded into small rooms to receive prayer and hear the gospel. One man walked in slowly and hunched, with bags in his eyes. I could tell He carried much weight in his heart. He seemed very weary but maintained respectful focus while we preached the gospel. The Lord moved powerfully. God granted me freedom to preach from the heart. I watched in amazement as God rapidly healed all the health-impaired Cambodians in the room as a testimony to the gospel. Already familiar with the gospel, I honestly felt more awed by the unfamiliar miracles than by the truths I proclaimed.

God opened his eyes and heart to see Jesus!
But the weary Cambodian man gloried in something much more valuable than the miracles he saw. Awed by the gospel message He had never heard before, he lifted his tired eyes to ask me a question. “So you’re saying that if I simply turn from sin to Jesus Christ, God will forgive me of all the things I’ve ever done wrong?” The man looked incredulous, as if God’s truth could not possibly be that good. For the sin-weary and guilt-laden Cambodian man, it seemed unbelievable that Christ called Him to come and find rest for his soul (Matthew 11:29). My heart beamed for joy at the question. I looked in the man’s eyes and reassured Him: “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” Jesus calls all the people in heavy-laden Cambodia to come to Him for rest.

Our prayer and evangelism room at the eyeglass clinic outreach in Kandal.
This June, my parents and I will join Southeast Asian missionaries to reach the unreached of Cambodia once again. For one week we will be joined by a mission team from Japan. We will shine the light of the gospel into unreached villages through eyeglass clinics, outreaches and gospel literature. We believe that many more weary Cambodians will glimpse Jesus’ light for the first time — but we can’t do it without you. Would you pray? Would you consider supporting our mission financially? God will not forget your intercession and generosity.