Nov '20

The Christmas Blessing Project Launches! October 2020 Mission Update
Posted on Nov 2, 2020 in Blog Posts, Brian Mark Weller, Burma Christmas Blessing Project, Laos Christmas Blessing Project, News, Newsletter, Peru, Peru Christmas Blessing Project, Thailand Christmas Blessing Project, Uncategorized |
Nov '20

I want to share some great news. We are excitedly launching into the 2020 Christmas Blessing Project (CBP)! This year’s CBP outreaches are more important than any previous year!
I recently wrote our Peruvian leaders to see what they’d like to do this year for CBP. All of the leaders in Callao said they want to offer Christmas presents to the children. We had originally considered giving Share God’s Hope Food Packs instead—but all our partners agreed we should offer the children a much-needed taste of normalcy in light of all the turmoil they’ve experienced this year because of COVID-19, its lockdowns, and economic impact. I wholeheartedly agree with them, so we are moving forward by faith with that plan.
We will start by sponsoring CBP outreaches through the child-discipleship centers you generously sponsor year-round. On the next page, we’ve included the leaders’ names and the number of gifts needed at each location. If you would like to specifically give towards any of these CBP outreaches, just mark it on the donation form. We will provide $5 for each Christmas blessing, and the leaders will select a specified gift for each child (prices will vary). They will also provide hot chocolate and Panetón, a traditional Peruvian Christmas treat. We hope to send their CBP funding as soon as possible before prices surge for the holidays.

Depending on local regulations, our leaders will either gather the children to celebrate Jesus Christ together at the church or visit individual homes to give these gifts in Jesus’ name. Either way, the Christmas Blessing Project will offer extraordinary blessings to children who very seldom receive anything more than bare necessities.
I want to encourage you to involve your children or perhaps your grandchildren in this year’s Christmas Blessing Project. Many American children take gifts for granted, but you can use this Christmas to create a teachable moment. Offer them an opportunity to do an extra chore around the house to provide a gift for an impoverished Peruvian child. We’ll post pictures online so they can look later and see what their $5 provided. We will also send an acknowledgment postcard you can hang up as a reminder to pray.
Please help us SHARE GOD’S HOPE and be the loving hands of Jesus Christ as we celebrate His first coming. Thank you in advance for your love, generosity, and compassion!
Christmas Blessing Project
Locations and Needs

- 80 Children – Costa Azul – Cristo Sanador Divino – Pastor Julio A.
- 60 Children – Sarita – Cristo es el Camino – Pastor Pánfilo
- 50 Children – Valle Verde – Cristo es el Camino – Pastor Julio & Edith
- 40 Children – Bolegnesi – Cristo es el Camino – Luz and Guillermo
- 70 Children – Pachacutec – Cristo es el Camino – Pastor Julio and Doris
- 40 Children – Pachacutec – Casa de Dios – Pastor David and Susan
- 60 Children – Pachacutec – La Vina del Senor – Pastor Fabian and Cecilia
- 50 Children – Pachacutec – Seis de Abril – Casa de Dios – Veronica
- 30 Children – Pachacutec – Cerro Gorila – Casa de Dios – Veronica
- 60 Children – Pachacutec – La Vina del Senor – Pastor Fabian and Cecilia
- 45 Children – Marquez – La Vina Del Senor – Pastor Fabian and Cecilia
- 60 Disabled and Elderly – Incahuasi Group – Pastor Fabian and Cecilia
- 120 Children – Other Miscellaneous locations in Peru.
The amount needed for the initial 765 gifts listed above for Peru is $3,825.
The 10/40 Window

We are also planning CBP outreaches with our ministry partners in Laos, India, Myanmar/Burma, and Thailand. We will share more about that in another update.
Our prayerful goal for this year’s CBP outreaches is $10,000, and increase of $2,000 since our printed newsletter went out a few days ago. Other requests have come in for help since that time. We are trusting God to provide!
Please pray with us that God helps us meet this goal. Together we can bless many children and families! We will post updates on our Facebook prayer group as we go along. Thank you!
To learn more or donate toward the Christmas Blessing Project, click the appropriate button below:
India Social-Media Outreach Update

We’ve continued our social-media outreaches to India’s English speakers.
We’ve reached 1.7 million people with through our Facebook ads. Facebook analytics reveal that 212,000 people have watched the Cure for Death video so far.
We will begin a new ad this week. Please continue to pray God uses this outreach to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to many. We feel thrilled with the great response we’ve received so far. Praise God!