Jan '18

2018 A Year of Opportunities
Posted on Jan 29, 2018 in Burma, Cambodia, India, Laos, News, Newsletter, Peru, Thailand, Thailand Christmas Blessing Project, Vietnam | Tags: 10/40 window, brian mark weller, Brian Weller, christmas blessing project, discipleship, evangelism, Feeding Center, fisher of men, great commission, Indigenous missions, JJ Weller, Kingdom of God, Message Ministries, messageministries and missions, peru missions, Peru Youth, prefab homes, southeast asia, unreached people groups, upg's
Jan '18

We’re both inspired and blessed to look back and see what God allowed us to do together in 2017. Together we took dives of faith to reach people with the gospel, and I sincerely believe God was honored.
God changed many lives as the gospel went forth through direct MM mission outreaches and our indigenous partners worldwide.
Here is a list of some of the things we did together!
- Thousands heard about Jesus Christ for the first time and many received Christ.
- Tens of thousands of meals were provided through the children’s feeding ministries in Peru and SE Asia.
- Children were taught the Word of God at children’s ministries in Peru, SE Asia and India
- Prefab homes were built for needy families in Peru.
- Thousands received help through the Peru Flood Relief Project.
- MM Mission Teams ministered in Peru, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Burma and Laos.
- People were blessed with the gift of sight and salvation through MM eyeglass clinic outreaches in Peru and SE Asia.
- Youth in Peru, Vietnam and Cambodia attended MM discipleship and mission training retreats and camps.
- Indigenous Pastors and Missionaries received financial support to preach the gospel to unreached villages.
- Indigenous Vietnamese missionaries received motorcycles to travel to unreached villages with the gospel.
- Many received healing as we prayed for the sick in the name of Jesus.
- Orphans received food, shelter, education and discipleship at a children’s home /orphanage in Laos.
- Most recently, your generosity provided gifts and the gospel for thousands of children and adults worldwide through the Christmas Blessing Project.
We are calling 2018 “A Year of Opportunities.” As we look out on the harvest fields of the world, we feel an eagerness to respond to God and fulfill His call. Throughout the year we will present special opportunities for the family of God to join us in fulfilling Jesus’ Great Commission. Like you, we want to stand before the Lord and hear, “well done, my good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23).
Please keep us in prayer as we go forward into this Year of Opportunities. Together, let’s take dives of faith and trust the Lord to do “more than we could ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20). God’s greatness inspires us to do greater things to bring glory to His name and to rescue the lost and hopeless. We pray that God fills your year with opportunities to demonstrate God’s glory to this broken world.

On December 25th, we partnered with Free to Serve Ministries to provide a Christmas Blessing Project outreach to 70 unreached villagers in Pankoi Village, Thailand. Our partner Pastor K. has labored as an evangelist and church planter in the Pankoi Village for some time now, and this outreach granted many new converts for him to disciple.
On Christmas, Free to Serve ministries gathered the Pankoi Village together for a special Christmas meal, played Christian music and preached the gospel. After the gospel message, 7 villagers received Christ immediately. Others received Christ later that day in private, and 3 more families came to Christ within weeks after the outreach through their new relationship with Pastor K. FTS leader David believes these new converts will soon lead their families to Christ. How it brightens our hearts to hear of salvation among the unreached!
During this outreach, God’s hand was also present to heal and deliver from demons. One Pankoi woman had not been able to walk for years, and thus could not work or play a significant role in the village. Our partners prayed for her in the name of Jesus, and to her amazement, God granted her to walk again! Other villagers visited our partners in private to seek deliverance from years of demonic oppression. Jesus set them free from the tormenting spirits and the villagers responded by surrendering their lives to Christ. Jesus is alive, and He loves the unreached people of Southeast Asia!
Thank you so much for supporting the Christmas Blessing Project in Southeast Asia. Your financial and prayer support has contributed to God’s great work in the Pankoi Village.
Thank you for helping to make this CBP Outreach a reality through your prayers and financial support.

Please pray for God’s direction, anointing, wisdom and health to be on JJ. Please pray for Cynthia Noa our Message Ministries ministry assistant in Peru who is helping JJ organize the different ministry opportunities and helping with translation as well. Thank you!
Please pray that the local churches will be strengthened, challenged and built up though JJ’s messages of encouragement and exhortation.
JJ went at his own expense and has not asked for any help with expenses. If you would like to be one of his SENDERS we are putting a donation link below. Thank you!

If you would like to be an active part of the 2018 Year of Opportunities by making a one time donation or a monthly commitment, we have included a donate button. We have also included a link to the Donation Page on our website where you can sign up for monthly, semi monthly, bi weekly, weekly or quarterly donations.
Thank you in advance for your partnership
in fulfilling God’s Great Commission!
Message – Trying to reach Jim Randall to email me.
Wanting to let him know a friend in ministry has
left this realm. Janice McKeehan left us on February 5, 2018 to be with Jesus. Stage 4 cancer in her entire body.
Richard is in a Rehab hospital at the present. He was in a wheel chair at the funeral. They had been married 49 years.
Jim, hope you get this message and are able to respond to my email.
Blessings and Prayers Brother,
Your Sister in Christ – Mary Simmons