April 2014
Posted on Apr 10, 2014 in Cambodia, News, Thailand | Tags: 10/40 window, Asia Missions, Brian Weller, evangelism, Feeding Center, great commission, Indigenous missions, Message Ministries, Missions, orphans, Peru, Peru Youth, prefab homes

As I sit at my desk writing you this month, I am reflecting on the recent mission trip JJ and I took to Southeast Asia, where we visited and ministered in Thailand and Cambodia. While there, we met very amazing people doing very amazing things. Working with Jim Randall was a blessing and privilege. I was amazed by how many people Jim had met in one year there, by the amount of connections he had made, and by the ministries that have been blessed by his insights.
In Thailand, we met Pastor Lu, who is bringing the gospel to the people of China. A large number of house churches have been planted through his teaching ministry. We met Keith, who is teaching native ministers (including several who operate children’s homes) how to do Aquaponic farming so that they can be self-supporting. We met Dang, who has started many children’s homes where children are given shelter, educated, fed, and discipled to Jesus in the northern part of Thailand.
In Cambodia, we met people like James, who is ministering to very poor families in the slum areas around Pnomh Penh. He is starting a business to create jobs and free people from a future in the slums. We also met Pina, a Cambodian woman and mother of five; God is using her to rescue women out of human trafficking. She gives these women a home, disciples them to Jesus, and teaches them to cut hair and thus earn an honest income. Her team also ministers to families in one of the slums. The truth is that we met many wonderful servants of God! All of them are very humble and all of them walk by faith to reach these countries that are totally immersed in Buddhism, Ethno-Religions, and idolatry. The people need Jesus desperately, and those we met need help to get His message of salvation to the people there.
Our eyes were opened to a whole new mission field, and with that comes a whole new set of opportunities and responsibilities. For years, I’ve said that the greatest ability in the Kingdom of God is availability and the second greatest ability is response-ability, which is the ability to respond to God and His leading. As Ambassadors of Jesus Christ, God expects us to be available to hear His call and then to respond to His call by going or by sending. In doing this, we see God’s purposes fulfilled in and through our lives. In John 4:35, Jesus says, “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” When we do this in obedience, we see what God wants us to see, so that we can feel what God wants us to feel, and we can do what God wants us to do.
Now that JJ and I have seen both the spiritual and physical needs in southeast Asia, we are obligated to respond by God’s grace and power. Please pray with us as we launch into these new opportunities. It will be a journey of faith, and we want to be faithful to His call. It is one thing to open our eyes and look on the fields; it is another to respond by the Holy Spirit to what we have seen on the fields. When God opens our eyes, it is so we can see what He sees and then do what He wants to do.
Please pray for us, our leaders, and our ministry support team as we seek to answer God’s call humbly and faithfully. May God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven as we press on and into the center of His will.
Special thanks to you, Jim Randall, for being a faithful servant of God. We have learned so much spending time with you in Southeast Asia!
In His Service, Brian Weller
2014 April – Message Min Newsletter