May '22

April 2022: India and the Great Commission
Posted on May 10, 2022 in Blog Posts, India, India Orphanage, India Slum School, News, Newsletter, Uncategorized |
May '22

If we want to complete the Great Commission, the global church must focus much effort on India. Ponder this: India has a population of about 1.4 billion people, while the United States of America has a population of about 333 million. That means that India has about 1 billion more inhabitants than the USA. That’s an incredible amount of people—and unfortunately, less than 3% of them identify as Christians.

Here’s another shocking fact—India’s unreached population is greater than the whole population of the USA! It is estimated that over one billion souls in India have never clearly heard the message of salvation. India has 2,376 people groups, and 2,139 of those people groups remain unreached with the gospel. 80.2% of Indians are Hindus, wandering through life without any hope of salvation.

The truth is clear—India desperately needs Jesus Christ. The best way to reach them is through indigenous pastors, missionaries, evangelists, and other native ministry workers. We’re committed to evangelizing them and the rest of the 10/40 Window. How? Through our partnership with the region’s native ministers, ministries, and churches, and with you.

In this mission update, I include pictures from recent outreaches and baptisms our Indian ministry partners hosted with your help. These events were glorious—our partners preached the good news to many at numerous locations, and some chose to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and follow Him in baptism! Praise the Lord!

The main way India will hear the gospel is from village to village—and we know many will come to faith in Jesus Christ! Would you please take a few moments to pray for our native Indian partners, including these precious missionaries and pastors, and the LHM orphanage and school?
We thank you for your prayers and support. We praise God for allowing us to play a role in what He is doing in India. The Kingdom of God is expanding! Gloria a Dios!
Brian Weller