Oct '19

Audio Sermon: 3 Signs of Kingdom Life by Brian Mark Weller
Oct '19

Romans 14:17 says, “The Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (NASB). Many talk about the Kingdom of God, but few live it out. We need to ask–Do I enjoy the fruit of God’s Kingdom–righteousness, peace, and joy?
In this stirring message, Brian Mark Weller calls us to examine our lives for the three signs of Kingdom life so we can know what’s preventing personal revival. He then shows us how to cultivate these spiritual fruits by God’s grace. May this message bless you and challenge you to grow in your relationship with the Lord!
This message is part of a teaching series by Brian Mark Weller about the Kingdom of God. We encourage you to catch the other messages! If this Missions Moment encourages you, please subscribe to our YouTube channel or share on Facebook!