Book Announcement: Invasion of Light – A Stirring Handbook for Daily Mission

Message Ministries recently published a spiritual handbook to equip, encourage, and inspire Christ’s ambassadors to fulfill God’s call every day. Invasion of Light is a compilation of essential biblical strategies we need to “walk in the light” and live as “the light of the world” in dark times (1 John 5:7, Matthew 5:14). We believe this book will refresh you, inspire you, challenge you, and guide you into greater fruitfulness in God’s kingdom! Here’s the book synopsis, trailer, endorsements, and where to get it.
Book Synopsis

Recover your faith in Jesus’s world-shaking power. Learn the biblical strategies behind every great harvest of souls!

You’re living in one of the greatest spiritual battles of all time. This very moment, Hell’s hordes are fighting tooth and nail to shipwreck the church, sabotage the lost, and destroy society as we know it. In the face of such crippling darkness, countless believers have accepted defeat. We might not say it aloud, but deep down, many have stopped believing and battling for spiritual awakening in our generation.

In Invasion of Light, mission leaders Brian and JJ Weller announce the higher call of victory in spiritual battle. It’s no time to retreat—it’s time to invade the world with the light of God’s Kingdom! Jesus can still transform whole societies if we live out our redemptive calling—but much of that good invasion must take place through everyday ambassadors in everyday settings. This stirring book unveils God’s timeless strategies for the harvest, pulling from the Bible, revival history, and decades of missionary experience. In Invasion of Light, you’ll learn how to:

  • Overcome a “defeated” mindset
  • Live in the confidence of Jesus’s victory
  • Find your calling as Christ’s ambassador
  • Share the gospel with anyone, anywhere in the world
  • Pray in a way that prevails with God and transforms lives
  • Succeed in biblical spiritual warfare
  • Walk in personal revival
…and so much more!
Invasion of Light is a masterpiece—a challenging and effective training manual for the book of Acts lifestyle. It arms God’s people with the conviction and tools they need to enter (or re-enter) the battle for souls, and sets a renewed standard for how Christians should think and live. I hope to make it a required course at our Bible school.” Dave Bush, pastor of Missions Church Orlando, Co-Founder of Impact Christian University
Invasion of Light is an extremely important and necessary book. It will offer you hope, reminding you that no matter how dark the world may seem, God has a plan and a purpose for His children!” Owen L. Henry, author, speaker, associate pastor at Bethel Full Gospel Baptist Church, president of Owen L. Henry Ministries
“In a world where many mince words and sugarcoat the truth, Invasion of Light glorifies God by cutting straight to the point about evangelism. Want to recover this lost art? Read this book, study hard, and grow! Our organization in Central America, The Master’s Workshop, will use this book to train all of our interns and missionaries before they hit the field.” Max Martin, missionary to Costa Rica and founder of The Master’s Workshop
Invasion of Light clearly demonstrates how to share God’s good news with whoever you meet—whether you’re a seasoned evangelist or just starting to share the gospel. It’s easy to read and understand, and it’s full of personal stories to help you apply each lesson. It will convict, compel, and encourage you—sometimes all at once!” Jeff Moffit, pastor of Clearwater Chapel, and Jeannine Moffit, author and women’s speaker
“A must-read for anyone who is longing to reach souls for the Kingdom. We will stand by this book as a training source for the followers of Christ here at Frontline Evangelistic Training Center!” John Saginario, pastor of Frontline Evangelistic Training Center
Where to Get Invasion of Light
Invasion of Light released on Good Friday (April 15th) as an eBook, a paperback, and a beautiful jacketed hardcover. The Spanish version will release soon; Cynthia, JJ Weller’s wife, has already translated it. Invasion of Light belongs to Message Ministries, and any income we receive from it will directly fund our mission outreaches around the world. We ask you to consider ordering the book on Amazon and leaving a five-star review. 
If you can’t afford a copy—or if you can’t access it online—please write us, and we will be glad to send you one as our gift from Message Ministries. We truly believe the Lord will use it to impart fresh faith, hope, love, and zeal! On with the invasion of light!

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