Jan '21

Christmas Blessing Project 2020 in Review
Posted on Jan 8, 2021 in Blog Posts, Cambodia, Cambodia Christmas Blessing Project, News, Newsletter, Peru, Peru Christmas Blessing Project, Thai Pastor I, Thailand, Thailand Christmas Blessing Project, Uncategorized |
Jan '21

This year has proved extremely difficult for many around the globe. Thank God, by your loving generosity we were able to lighten the load for some of those desperately needy people. Yes, this year God granted us to share Jesus’ love and hope in the world’s darkest regions through our native partners. With your help, we sent relief offerings to Cambodia, Laos, India, Myanmar, and Peru, and many hearts opened wide to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you for helping us be an answer to prayer for the needy in 2020! We praise God that He granted us to meet all our missions obligations worldwide and more.
In this letter we’d like to share some great news about the Christmas Blessing Project (CBP) outreaches. By God’s grace and your generosity, we sent $2,520 more in CBP funding than originally planned! Altogether, we sent $12,520 towards Christmas outreaches in Cambodia, Laos, India, Myanmar (Burma), Peru, and Thailand. Below we’ve provided short reports of some of our Christmas Blessing Project outreaches worldwide.
Pachacutec, Lima, Peru – Iglesia Casa de Dios

Pastors David and Susan recently sent pictures from their CBP celebration on December 14 at Iglesia de Casa de Dios (House of God Church). This outreach focused on the children who receive regular discipleship through the children’s ministry. Each child heard a message from God’s Word, ate Panetón, drank hot chocolate, and received a specially chosen gift. What a giant blessing for these children and their families! The Peruvian government hasn’t permitted children to attend church meetings since early in the COVID-19 Crisis—so these gifts mean more to them than ever before! Thank you for helping us SHARE GOD’S HOPE!
Phnom Penh, Cambodia – Mercy Village Food Bags

Here is a picture from MM Partner Rin Yame of Mercy Village Ministry in Cambodia. At the writing of this letter, he is conducting an eight day food drive. He can only host small groups due to Cambodia’s COVID-19 restrictions, so he’s hosting two or more small sessions a day in the morning and evening. At each session, he shares God’s Word, encourages believers, and reaches unbelievers. Already, some have come to know Jesus Christ! At the end, each family receives a bag of food and other necessities. We thank God for this awesome opportunity to SHARE GOD’S HOPE in unreached Cambodia.
Laos – Pastor S.

MM Partner Pastor S (of FTS Ministries) hosted two CBP outreaches in Laos this year. The first outreach focused on little ones—he invited sixty kids from the Laos Children’s Home and neighboring villages. At the event, each child received a gift, ate a pork meal, played games to heart’s content, and heard the good news of Jesus Christ. What a glorious celebration! The second outreach focused on youth and adults. Pastor S cooked a delicious steak meal and declared the gospel of Jesus Christ. God moved powerfully, and seven families turned to the Lord. We will believe many more will receive Jesus when Pastor S. visits them in their homes.
Thailand – Pastor Isara and Joy

Pastor Isara and Joy hosted a CBP outreach at the local school in their Thai community. They had approximately 100 children in attendance, along with teachers at this public school auditorium. The children were very excited about the Christmas music Pastor Isara’s team sang and, of course, the presents they received at the end of their presentation. They were also very attentive and blessed to hear the message of Jesus Christ, and that the reason we celebrate the holiday we call Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ. Many in SE Asia are not aware of that! We praise God the Holy Spirit opened the children’s hearts, and some teachers as well, as they listened intently to Pastor Isara’s simple message of the gospel. Thank you for helping us SHARE GOD’S HOPE in Thailand!
Costa Azul – Lima, Peru – Pastor Julio

Pastor Julio of the Cristo Sanador Divino Church in Costa Azul (Lima, Peru) hosted a Christmas Blessing Project event for 80 children. It was a great day of celebration at the end of a very challenging year. They have ministered faithfully to the children and families of this impoverished community throughout the year. This year was challenging with the loss of jobs and income from COVID-19, so this CBP event helped bring some hope back to the people! I wish we had room to post all the pictures they sent us! They even sent videos of the children singing at the top of their lungs, celebrating and giving thanks to Jesus Christ, and being thankful for the simple gifts they received. Thank you for helping us SHARE GOD’S HOPE with these precious children and their families!
More CBP reports have come in since this newsletter was written.
You can read those reports at
or on our Facebook prayer group: